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她们会偷你的东西然后瞬间移动消失。They steal your stuff and then teleport away.

反过来,开启的地图将允许你激活远距离移动物体。In turn, the uncover map allows you to activate every teleport.

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解救出足够的外星人即可打开传动门到达下一关卡。Save enough spacemen to open the teleport gate to the next level.

等我长大后,我会是用机械装置传输人的第一人。When I grow up, I want to be the first person to teleport himself.

在活动传师旁边可以找到买经验的NPC了。EXP buyback NPC will now be available near the Event teleport NPCs.

这个怪兽拥有喷吐和击打攻击,变成蝙蝠和心灵传输技能。This monster can spit and hit you, turn into a bat and teleport himself.

这个扭转战局的单位拥有传送单位与心灵控制能力。This game changing unit has the ability to teleport units and mind control.

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“利用弯曲心灵运送单位到仍何”能量塔“能量覆盖的地方。Protoss can use Warp In to teleport units anywhere they want into pylon power.

我之前也尝试过几次,但一次都没成功,但这一次我做到了!I've tried to teleport many times before, and it never worked, but this time it finally did.

是心灵运输到任何地方的能力,经由感觉投射精神能明明白白地被看见。Is the ability to teleport to any location the Psychic can see clearly via Sense Projection.

在他们自己的好奇和探索的渴望里,他们能瞬移到不同的地区。They were able to teleport to various regions out of their own curiosity and desire to explore.

在这些追杀时刻,达哈卡看上去模模糊糊的,有时能够瞬间移动几码远的距离。The Dahaka appears blurry during these moments and can sometimes teleport a few yards at a time.

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这也会影响到你的传送药片,以及门户和用水晶球占卜汇集在你的房子。This will also affect your teleport tablets, as well as the portals and scrying pools in your house.

另外,他们拥有一个特殊的闪现技能,能在仍何地方进短距离心灵传送。In addition, it has a special Blink ability that allows it to teleport a short distance anywhere it can see.

你也许会在懂得使用移动术后不再会像你最早的角色那样需要冰甲了。Maybe your very first character did need Frozen Armor but now you don't because you know how to use Teleport.

您们可以分头行动,在需要的时候,另外一个人就可以直接传送到您所在的位置。You can each go separate directions, and when it is located by one, the other can teleport to where it is at.

将允许术士在地面上划出壹个环,并能在之后使用另壹个法术传送到这个环中。Demonic Circle will allow warlocks to scribe a circle in the ground to teleport to it later with another spell.

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使用摄魂师传送同化者是快速高效占领外壳得好方法Methods。Using the Mastermind to teleport in Assilimators is a great way to capture husks quickly and highly efficiently.

在此方案中,用一个三粒子纠缠态作为量子信道,传送两比特未知原子态。In this scheme, a three-particle entangled state is used as quantum channel to teleport a two-qubit atomic state.

关键是,我们能够将其从A点传送至B点,而不将0和1混淆”,她说。The point is, we've managed to teleport it from A to B without the one and the zero getting confused, " she said.