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水蒸气凝成了小水滴。Steam condenses into drops of water.

冷风使水蒸汽凝结成雨。The cold wind condenses vapor into rain.

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水蒸气触及冷的表面即凝结成水。Steam condenses to water when it touches a cold surface.

水蒸汽接触冷的表面时,即凝结成水。Steam condenses into water when it touched a cold surface.

大豆浓缩蛋白是一种优质蛋白质资源。Soja condenses albumen is a kind of high grade protein resource.

随着温度逐渐降低,蒸汽凝结成水,在汽缸内留下一段真空。Cooling the steam condenses it into water, leaving behind a vacuum.

蒸汽压缩之后反应堆系统的压力就会降低。The steam then condenses and reduces pressure in the reactor system.

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当水汽凝成雨水,会造成局域性的大气压力下降。As the vapor condenses into rain, the local atmospheric pressure drops.

而高温蒸汽亦会在边缘处凝结,从而形成冰柱。As the hot steam condenses on the edges, it refreezes and forms icicles.

干燥的空气吸收看不见的水蒸气并且马上就凝结了。Dry air reabsorbs the water as invisible vapor almost as soon as it condenses.

汽油蒸气会凝结在冷的发动机零件上,然后流入油底壳。Gasoline vapor also condenses on cold engine parts and drips down into oil pan.

在那里,较冷的空气使冷冻剂冷凝,并在此过程中变热。There, cooler air condenses the refrigerant and becomes heated during the process.

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它们是水汽凝结时直接成为冰所形成的,其发生在云中。They form when water vapor condenses directly into ice, which happens in the clouds.

当喷气式飞机排出一些浓缩的水汽和一些微小尘埃就产生了飞机痕迹。A contrail occurs when the jet's water vapor condenses around its own exhaust particles.

大多数小学生都学过当水蒸气凝结到一定程度就形成了云。Most elementary school students learn that clouds form when enough water vapor condenses.

试体之体积先产生压缩,然后膨胀,最后亦趋于稳定。The volume condenses in the beginning, then dilates, and finally comes to the steady state.

吸引和凝聚青年在推动科学发展中发挥主体作用。Attracts and condenses the youth to play the main body role in the impetus scientific progress.

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到了清晨,雾气凝结成水滴附着在嫩枝和树叶边,随着枝叶叮铃铃的落到地上,水也投入大地的怀抱。Come morning, the mist condenses into drops on the edges of twig and leaf, which tinkle to the earth.

掀锅时注意凝结在笼盖内的蒸汽不要滴在食物上。Try to keep moisture that condenses inside the lid from dripping on the food when you remove the lid.

云朵和暴风雨是温暖、潮湿的空气上升,离开地球表面,然后遇冷并凝结而成的。Clouds and storms are driven by warm, moist air that rises up off Earth's surface, then cools and condenses.