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为了便于理解,这两种情况都将被称之为六合相。For our aspect reading, both cases will be taken as Sextile cases.

水星跟火星之间的六分相赋予智能跟敏锐的思维。The sextile formed between Mercury and Mars gives mental energy and a sharp intellect.

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木星与海王星之间的六分相显示出想象力及对未来的一定希望。The sextile between Jupiter and Neptune shows imagination and much hope about the future.

火星跟冥王星之间形成的六分相带来了你天生的意志力跟强势。The sextile between Mars and Pluto produces will power and a forcefulness in your nature.

迷人的金星与激进的天王星建立一个合作的关系,把我们引入新的历程上。Alluring Venus forms a cooperative sextile to radical Uranus, attracting us to new experiences.

木星与冥王星之间的六分相指出你的活跃、忱和野心。The sextile formed between Jupiter and Pluto indicates your exuberance, enthusiasm, and ambition.

土星六合海王星给予因建设性的目标,而把现实主义跟理想主义联系在一起的能力。Saturn sextile Neptune gives the ability to bring realism and idealism together for constructive aims.

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火星跟天王星之间形成的六分相显示出行动上的聪敏机智及原创性的天赋。The sextile formed between Mars and Uranus shows a gift of originality and resourcefulness in actions.

在合图上,天王星和上升点成六分相意味着两人间的关系会在很多方面比较独特。The sextile of composite Uranus and Ascendant signifies a relationship that will be unique in many ways.

水星六合火星水星跟火星之间的六分相赋予智能跟敏锐的思维。Mercury sextile Mars The sextile formed between Mercury and Mars gives mental energy and a sharp intellect.

火星跟土星之间形成的六分相显示出大部分你的行动都是计划良好及有效率的。A sextile is formed between Mars and Saturn showing most of your actions to be well directed and productive.

土星六合冥王星给予意志力的坚定及紧守原则及信仰的能力。Saturn sextile Pluto offers great strength of purpose and the ability to hold tightly to principles and beliefs.

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火星跟木星之间形成的六分相意味着以心智及体能来达到目标的有效运用。The sextile formed between Mars and Jupiter suggests the effective use of the mind and physical body to meet objectives.

木星与天王星的六分相倾向于破除一陈不变的倾向,增加了一点形而上学或民主的意味。The sextile of Jupiter and Uranus tends to break down orthodox tendencies and add more of a metaphysical or liberal attitude.

这将意味着一段非常自由并能坦诚相待的关系。The sextile of Venus and Uranus in the composite chart indicates a relationship that is very free and open in its expression.

这意味着你们通过这段关系将可能改变自我。The sextile of composite Pluto and Mars gives the two of you the potential for transforming yourselves through the relationship you create.

木星与土星之间形成的六分相显示出良好的商业品质,透过小心、谨慎、良好的组织力与乐观、热情及扩张的相互结合。The sextile formed between Jupiter and Saturn shows the good business attributes of caution, prudence, and good organization, combined with optimism, enthusiasm, and expansion.

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它被划定的方法是通过确定两颗六分相的行星的中点的意味着什么,然后当第三颗行星的紧密的位于该中点时会发生什么。The way it can be delineated is by determining what the midpoint of the two planets in sextile is supposed to mean, and then what happens when a third planet is closely configured to that midpoint.