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这件上衣的袖孔太长了。The armhole of the coat is too long.

宽袖孔、窄袖口的袖子。A sleeve with a large armhole and tight cuff.

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折叠侧缝线并剪下袖窿。Fold the side seam under and cut out the armhole.

她把罩衫的袖子绷在袖孔上。She tacked the sleeve of the blouse into the armhole.

将袖山头沿着第三层袖窿山头上方放置。Place the sleeve head around the upper third of the armhole cap.

标明袖窿刀眼,胸点和省道终端和小洞表示,可以使用圆规尖或图钉。Mark the armhole notches, bust point and dart ends with small holes, using a compass point or map pins.

即装袖后,袖子应稍微前倾,以符合手臂的形状。Armhole Balance This allows a set-in-sleeve to hang slightly forward and follow the curvature of the arm.

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翻折左袖,检查左袖窿后部的车缝情况及缝骨牢度。Fold left sleeve across front of garment. Inspect back of left armhole for seam appearance, seam stretch and needle holes.

服装袖笼曲线形状决定着衣袖的造型,是服装美观性和舒适性的一个重要因素。The shape of costume armhole curve decide sleeve sculpt, is an important factor of costume aesthetic property and comfort.

袖势是由袖窿深、袖山高、袖肥及袖山曲线确定的。Armhole depth sleeve cap height and width as well as sleeve cap curve arc the important factors in defining modern sleeve shapes.

袖势是由袖窿深、袖山高、袖肥及袖山曲线确定的。Armhole depth, sleeve cap height and width as well as sleeve cap curve are the important factors in defining modern sleeve shapes.

连袖大衣的袖与肩领相连,肩头无接缝的,缝合线从袖口斜伸至。Having or being a sleeve that extends in one piece to the neckline of the garment, with slanted seams from the armhole to the neck.

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西服袖窿的合体程度是西服穿着舒适的一个重要因素。袖窿的形状与大小决定袖山的形状与大小,袖窿对袖肥和袖功能起着决定性的作用。This paper shows the armhole structure of a fit tailored suit must be suitable. The armhole design is very important to the sleeve function.

衣袖与袖窿的结构设计既要考虑袖山和袖窿的艺术性和功能性,也不能忽视在技术上衣袖与袖窿之间的配伍关系。Aesthetics and functionality of cap height and armhole must be calculated and the technical compatibility between the two cannot be neglected either.

若要缩小袖子,袖窿也必须做相应的缩小。用腋下加纸方法操作,如图中阴影部分显示的那样。If the sleeve is taken in, the armhole must be correspondingly reduced by adding paper to the underarm AS shown by the shaded portion in the diagram.

本文应用数值方法来研究西装袖的作图,得到了袖笼直度增量与袖山弧线总吃势的关系。Studies the two- piece sleeve drafling and obtains the relationship between the armhole hypotenuse increment and the total easing of sleeve cap line by numerical value method.

仔细地剪下所有裁片,一定要剪在轮廓线里面。标明袖窿刀眼,胸点和省道终端和小洞表示,可以使用圆规尖或图钉。Cut out all the sections, with great care, cutting just inside the outline. Mark the armhole notches, bust point and dart ends with small holes, using a compass point or map pins.