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我从新兵训练营出来以后,被派到海外去了新加了多尼亚。I graduated from boot camp, was sent overseas and landed at New Caledonia.

一棵椰子树坐落在一个有微风的热带海滩法国的新喀里多尼亚。A coconut palm stands on a breezy tropical beach in France's New Caledonia.

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苏格兰和新赫布里底群岛的一种高大常绿树种,类似于小叶南洋杉。Very tall evergreen of new caledonia and the new hebrides similar to norfolk island pine.

当时我和一位客户在新碦里多尼亚游览,就在乌韦阿的一个小岛附近。I was cruising New Caledonia with one of my clients, around the small Loyalty island of Ouvea.

喀里多尼亚高尔夫俱乐部和鱼类往往被认为是最好的办法建立在过去的二十年。Caledonia Golf and Fish Club has often been thought of as the best course built in the past twenty years.

新喀里多尼亚位于环太平洋火山带,属于经常发生地震和火山爆发的地区。New Caledonia in the Pacific volcanic belt, are frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the region.

1931年,图拉姆在世界杯比赛时的队友克里斯蒂安·卡伦布的曾祖父母从新喀里多尼亚来到巴黎。In 1931, the great-grandparents of Thuram's World Cup team-mate Christian Karembeu came to Paris from New Caledonia.

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澳洲坚果大概有10种种类,其中6种起源于澳大利亚,其余的发现于新喀里多尼亚。There are about 10 species of Macadamia , 6 of which occur in Australia with the remainder being found in New Caledonia.

瓦努阿图派特使出席论坛,新喀里多尼亚和法属波利尼西亚的代表以准成员的资格出席了论坛。Vanuatu was represented by its special envoy, and New Caledonia and French Polynesia attended the forum as associate members.

海岛新泽西的大小在南太平洋海洋,新卡里多尼亚没有少于五地方性植物类的地方。An island the size of New Jersey in the South Pacific Ocean, New Caledonia is the home of no less than five endemic plant families.

从红土矿中生产镍自新喀里多尼亚的硅镁镍矿的处理开始已有100多年了。Production of nickel from laterite ores has occurred for over 100 years beginning with processing of garnierite ores from New Caledonia.

南美西南、新西兰和新苏格兰一种高雅的树种,常绿树叶,有光泽,木有香气。Any of several attractive trees of southwestern South America and New Zealand and New Caledonia having glossy evergreen leaves and scented wood.

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这里的生态系统保存完好,有着数量可观的大型食肉动物和大量种类繁多的大型鱼类。The Lagoons of New Caledonia display intact ecosystems, with healthy populations of large predators, and a great number and diversity of big fish.

学生来自北海、台北、新卡里多尼亚、塔希提岛以及来自澳大利亚的队伍、西澳、坎培拉,维多利亚和昆士兰。Students from Beihai, Taipei, New Caledonia as well as Tahiti and Australian teams from Western Australia, ACT, Victoria and Queensland participated.

这种隔离可能是新苏格兰地区猪笼草植物在形态学和遗传变异发展中的一个重要因素。This isolation may have been an important factor in the development of the morphological and genetic variation among pitcher plants in New Caledonia.

或巨大的人力,畜力,并在地表得出几何数字闻名的美国西南部,南美洲和新喀里多。Intaglios , or gigantic human, animal, and geometric figures drawn on the ground's surface are known throughout the American Southwest, South America, and New Caledonia.

澳大利亚北部是印度尼西亚、东帝汶和巴布亚新几内亚,东北部是所罗门岛,瓦努阿图和新喀里多尼亚,东南部是新西兰。Australia"s neighbouring countries are Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia to the north-east, and New Zealand to the south-east.