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首先要清洗尸体,并且仪式性的净化尸体。First, the body was washed and ritually purified.

受害者通常在遭受仪式性的折磨之后被残酷杀害。The killings are brutal, with victims ritually tortured.

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有时根据宗教仪式,六个武士将处女的头砍掉。Sometimes the six swordsman ritually beheaded the virgin.

一头牛在难民营外被宰杀。A cow is ritually slaughtered outside the Kalma refugee camp.

我虔诚的写下了这篇专栏文章,包含了我大学生活每一年所得出的新鲜结论。I ritually write a column summarizing the new theories of each of my years.

埋葬死者导致仪式上的不洁,尽管上帝要求我们合理地照看死者。Burying the dead makes one ritually impure, but God commands proper care of the dead.

之一,他们的圣地是巴姆,那里的死者仪式暴露在高平台。One of their holy places was Bam, where the dead were ritually exposed on high platforms.

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他们对于那些形式僵化、不需创意的系统感到挫折。They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don't require creative thought.

他选了各种各样干净的鸟兽作为供品,放在祭坛上奉献给上帝。He took ritually clean beasts and birds of every kind, and offered whole-offerings on the altar.

他选了各种各样洁净的鸟兽作为供品,放在祭坛上奉献给天主。He took ritually clean beasts and birds of every kind, and offered whole-offerings on the altar.

发生性关系导致仪式上的不洁,尽管上帝命令人类大量地繁殖。Sexual contact makes one ritually impure, and yet God commands humans to be fruitful and multiply.

在受教礼期间,信徒必须清洗身体、涂抹油脂,并穿着寺庙服装出场。During the endowment, the person is ritually washed, anointed with oil, and dressed in temple garments.

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净化祭,hatta’,并不能使一个不洁者摆脱他的不洁。t The hatta't, the purification offering, doesn't rid a ritually impure person of their ritual impurity.

当安菲尔德人群突然高歌“谁是利物浦带假发的人”这一被滥用的仪式时,鲁尼准时上场。Rooney duly came on to be ritually abused by a suddenly vocal Anfield crowd – "Who's the scouser in the wig?

我们的饮食文化向我们灌输的信息,实际上是统治阶级的信息。The message ritually injected into us by our culturally mandated meals is, at a fundamental level, the message of privilege.

尽管对于美国对台军售,北京照例会提出抗议,但之前从未把参与武器销售的公司列为目标。Although Beijing ritually protests US weapons sales to the island, it has not previously targeted the companies involved in the trade.

只有遇战疯的最高霸主可以和他联系,而最高霸主会按照仪式在自己身上留下伤痕并整容来使得自己的外形与云-遇战相似。Only the Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong could address him, and the Supreme Overlord was ritually scarred and modified to resemble Yun-Yuuzhan.

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在古代埃及,敌军国王的名字会被刻在陶碗上,被仪式性地打碎,目的是给那个统治者也带去死亡。In Ancient Egypt the names of enemy kings would be inscribed on pottery bowls and ritually smashed with the aim of bringing about the death of these rulers.

因为石柱阵每年都有大批嬉皮,然后就像是仪式一般,被身着传统防暴装备的警察打得头破血流。Every year at Stonehenge, crowds of hippies try to approach the stone circles and then are ritually whacked over the head by policeman in traditional riot gear.

如果仪式上不纯洁,你甚至不能献祭,因为如果你仪式上不纯洁,你将无法走进圣所,去贡献祭品。You can't even offer a sacrifice unless you're already ritually pure, because you couldn't get into the sanctuary to offer your sacrifice if you weren't ritually pure.