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他给市政厅和交易所建了图书馆。He gave libraries to Guildhall and Greyfairs.

市政厅内部,为维多利亚女王举办的宴会上,1839年。Guildhall interior at a banquet given for Queen Victoria in 1839.

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毕业于英格兰伦敦音乐与戏剧学校。Graduated from The Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London, England.

他1996年毕业于伦敦市政厅大学电子工程专业,获得理学学士学位。He was educated in London at the Guildhall University in 1996 and gained a B.

艾丽森在盖德霍尔音乐学院学习小号,然后进入巴黎音乐学院师从哈登伯格。Alison studied trumpet at the Guildhall School of Music, the Paris Conservatoire, and with Hkan Hardenberger.

艾丽森在盖德霍尔音乐学院学习小号,之后进入巴黎音乐学院师从哈登·伯格。Alison studied trumpet at the Guildhall School of Music, the Paris Conservatoire, and with Håkan Hardenberger.

艾丽森在盖德霍尔音乐学院学习小号,之后进入巴黎音乐学院师从哈登·伯格。Alison studied trumpet at the Guildhall School of Music , the Paris Conservatoire , and with Hkan Hardenberger.

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艾丽森在盖德霍尔音乐学院学习小号,之后进入巴黎音乐学院师从哈登?Alison studied trumpet at the Guildhall School of Music , the Paris Conservatoire , and with H?kan Hardenberger.

大火摧毁了大量举世闻名的建筑物,包括旧圣保罗大教堂和市政厅。Tuesday was the worst day. The fire destroyed many well-known buildings, old St Paul's and the Guildhall among them.

最初,他来到伦敦是和他的乐队“66号”,但是他改变了计划,进入市政音乐和戏剧学校学习。Originally he came to London with his band Door 66, however he changed his plans and entered Guildhall School of Drama.

怀恩出生在南威尔士的喀麦登郡,在市政厅的音乐与戏剧学校学习。Wynne was born in Carmarthen, South Wales and studied at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and the National Opera Studio.

如今年幼的奥巴马粉丝们常常会忘记,这座位于伦敦中心的美术馆早在1885年便已建立。These days, a little Obamaphilia is rubbing off on the often forgotten Guildhall Art Gallery, established in the historic heart of London in 1885.

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“埃尔顿爵士与弗尼什先生之间已经许下了庄严、正式的承诺,而我们的市政厅将维护他们的尊严和隐私,”她说。"Sir Elton and Mr Furnish are making a solemn and formal commitment to each other and our Guildhall offers them both dignity and privacy," she said.

“埃尔顿爵士与弗尼什先生之间已经许下了庄严、正式的承诺,而我们的市政厅将维护他们的尊严和隐私,”她说。"Sir Elton and Mr Furnish are making a solemn and formal commitment to each other and our Guildhall offers them both dignity and privacy, " she said.

他乘坐的是金色马车在伦敦城政厅里工作,而伦敦城长得穿西装套装骑自行车在办公楼里工作。He also gets to ride in a golden carriage and work in a Guildhall while the mayor of London has to wear a suit, ride a bike and work in an office building.

温莎与梅登海德镇议长玛丽·罗斯·格丽克斯顿说,她相信建于17世纪的市政厅将为这对新人提供一流的婚礼场所。Mary Rose Gliksten, the leader of Windsor and Maidenhead council, said she was confident the 17th-century Guildhall would provide an elegant venue for the couple.

温莎与梅登海德镇议长玛丽·罗斯·格丽克斯顿说,她相信建于17世纪的市政厅将为这对新人提供一流的婚礼场所。Mary Rose Glikstn , the leader of Windsor and Maidenhead council , said she was confident the 17th-century Guildhall would provide an elegant venue for the couple.

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在陈列于伦敦市政厅艺廊的众多藏品中,这幅出自维多利亚时代画家乔治·弗雷德里克·瓦兹的名为“希望”的画作似乎并不起眼。Entitled "Hope," the canvas hanging inside London's Guildhall Art Gallery as part of an exhibition by Victorian painter George Frederic Watts might appear unremarkable to some.

在2007年获得诺贝尔化学奖的马丁爵士,在星光闪耀的伦敦市政厅被宣布成为‘科学及创新’领域的得奖者。Sir Martin, who was awarded the 2007 Nobel Prize for Medicine was announced as the winner of the Science and Innovation category at a star-studded ceremony in London's Guildhall.

当时,在婚礼仪式开始之前,市政厅的登记员意外地宣布还有一些文件没有完成,新郎立即意识到出现了一些误会。The groom knew immediately that something was wrong when the registrar at Derry's Guildhall unexpectedly claimed that there was unfinished paperwork just before the ceremony began.