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消遥自在的小南希,62年前的舞会皇后。Perky little Nancy, prom queen sixty two years ago.

一旦音乐开始,这自信帅气的小狗就成为了最佳的音乐演奏者!Once the music starts, this perky pooch becomes a music-groovin' machine!

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这种红色的日本小李子在炒菜和放汤时,味道很带劲。These red little Japanese plums add a perky taste to stir-frys and soups.

有没有比神气药笔更神气的东西可以让头发重生?Have perkier than perky medicine pen thing to you can let hair renascence?

但是我很累,于是我告诉自己这个电话会让我对写演讲稿充满自信。But I was so tired, and I told myself the call would make me perky for presentation edits.

我坐在木凳上,一位快乐的南非人给我讲解了他们是怎样培育珍珠的。I sit on a wooden bench as a perky South African describes how they go about creating cultured pearls.

在配备高科技设备的会议室里,精神抖擞的基地总指挥本斯上校热情地和我握手。Inside a high-tech briefing room the equally perky base commander, Colonel Bence, shook my hand enthusiastically.

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而这种担心也表明投资者希望知道这三家公司是否能够在他们的大客户受难的时候依旧保持稳定发展。But it is also a symptom of mild paranoia about whether these firms can in their dotage still deliver perky growth.

然而,卡梅隆再一次证明他可以机智敏捷地应对危机,处事态度既可以严肃庄重又可以轻松活泼。Nevertheless, Mr Cameron showed again that he can be nimble in a crisis, and that he can do solemn as well as perky.

打比方说,美元,当投资者觉得得意洋洋的时候,他们会买入一下美元,如果他们觉得紧张,他们会开始闭塞,然后卖出美元。The dollar, for example, tends to be bought when investors feel perky and to be sold when nerves start to jangle again.

丹麦是世界上最幸福的国家,瑞典第二芬兰第三。我管这几个国家叫做“快乐轴心”。Denmark is the happiest nation, and Sweden and Finland are No. 2 and No. 3. I call these countries the "axis of perky. " –Craig Ferguson.

1892年的一个清晨,内布拉斯加州一家饭店正是提供早餐的时间,亨利佩基律师注意到一个正在吃一满勺煮熟的小麦和牛奶。One morning in 1892, a Nebraska hotel was serving breakfast when lawyer Henry Perky noticed a man eating a bowlful of boiled wheat and milk.

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取而代之的是紧身裤以及有城市涂鸦潦草图案的短羊毛衫,在活泼的短裙下的吊袜带和长筒袜则让大腿时而闪现。Instead, there were tight pants and a cropped sweater with a scribble of urban graffiti, while garter belts and hose showed a flash of thigh under perky little dresses.

在这趟没有子弹头列车电视、点心以及没有神采奕奕的列车员的绿皮车上,王不停挪动他的位置以免碰到坐在前面的那位乘客。Far from the bullet trains' TV screens, snack boxes and perky attendants, Wang shifted on a hard seat, trying to avoid tangling his legs with the men sitting in front of him.

加纳由于快速的经济发展,令人满意的人权纪录和连续的两次投票选举的改革成为非洲过去十年里最成功的故事。Perky economic growth, a decent human-rights record and two consecutive changes of government by the ballot box have made Ghana one of the past decade’s success stories in Africa.