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你在什麽场合用复数形?The plural number or form.

练习单词的单复数形式。Practice the plural of words.

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注意一下,囚徒是复数形式Notice, it's Prisoners, plural.

说出这个名词的复数形式。Give the plural form of this noun.

这里你应该用复数代词。Here you should use plural pronoun.

告诉我这个名词的复数形式。Give me the plural form of the noun.

复数主语与复数动词连用。Plural subjects go with plural verbs.

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在这里,动词又用复数。Hier wiederum steht das Verb im Plural.

主体是单数还是复数?I. 1 Is the subject singular or plural?

表的名称应该使用复数格式。Table names should use the plural form.

用的也是复数,上帝在和谁说话?Again in the plural. Who is he talking to?

乳罩为什么是单数,而内裤是复数。Why is "bra" singular and "panties" plural?

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可数名词复数前不需用限定词。Plural count nouns do not need a determiner.

大多数复数名词以字母“S”结尾。The letter “s” terminates most plural nouns.

我们加“-es”构成该词的复数形式。We form the plural by the addition of "-es".

事实上,你可以将目标记忆变为双倍的。Actually, you can make that memories, plural.

英语中,名词有单复数之分。In english , nouns can be singular or plural.

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与复数代名词或名词连用。We use ' have' with a plural pronoun or noun.

我的意思是说你们都是参与人Useful text and expression meaning you plural.

可数名词有单数和复数之分。Countable nouns have singular and plural forms.