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嗨,我喜欢那条鲜艳的领带。Hey, I like that jazzy tie.

但有一点东西优雅爵士乐和时髦。Something a bit classy yet jazzy and funky.

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美国人发音很具有旋律性和爵士乐的味道。Americans have a melodic, jazzy way of producing sounds.

我已经写的引言部分,拼写检查和图形,使文章爵士乐。I have written the introduction section, spell check and graphics to make the article jazzy.

圣杰士从各地精选的蔬果,是经过严格品质检验的,特别清甜。Jazzy Pizza chooses only vegetables of the finest quality, making them especially fresh and tasty.

但我学习了京剧后却发现,它很有爵士的感觉,唱法很即兴,感觉很酷。But now that I'm learning it I'm realizing it's really jazzy and improvisational, which is pretty cool.

除了这些抢眼的标题外,你做了其他什么事情以把读者吸引到报摊上呢?Other than those jazzy headlines, what else have you done to encourage readers to head to the newsstands?

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未发育完全却受到眼花缭乱的视觉效应操控的大脑无法调动注意力学习语言。A young brain manipulated by jazzy visual effects cannot divide attention to listen carefully to language.

在切分音里,冲动会突然打乱节拍,让音乐听起来突兀,奔放With syncopation the impulse can come suddenly off the beat, and it gives it a little snap or jazzy aspect to the music.

在切分音里,冲动会突然打乱节拍,让音乐听起来突兀,奔放。With syncopation the impulse can come suddenly off the beat, and it gives it a little snap or jazzy aspect to the music.

现代歌手罗比威廉姆斯则圆满地以一曲忠诚地,爵士手法演绎了鲍比达琳地经典曲目“”可以。Contemporary crooner Robbie Williams rounds out proceedings with a faithful, jazzy take on Bobby Darin 's classic "Beyond the Sea."

我也许不希望使用此作为我的默认的电子邮件客户端,但肯定有趣发送电子邮件和爵士乐的朋友和家人。I probably would not want to use this as my default email client, but definitely for sending fun and jazzy emails friends and family.

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在志愿者观看迷彩图案的长方形横过电脑屏幕之前或之后,志愿者还被要求观看一个没有绘制迷彩图案的长方形横过电脑屏幕。Some, acting as controls, had no internal patterns. Each test involved a jazzy rectangle crossing the screen either before or after a plain one.

“是一个伟大的网吧楼下和爵士风格的B是每个星期五的灵魂,以灵魂,这是一个伟大的俱乐部,一个真正发生的中心,”她说。"There was a great cafe downstairs and Jazzy B was doing Soul to Soul every Friday and it was a great club, a really happening center, " she said.

系统还可以经过改进提供适合不同场合的化妆效果,比如适合参加晚会的浓妆或者适合工作环境的淡妆。The system can also be modified to provide cosmetics advice in different situations, such as jazzy make-up for an evening party or more sober for work.

志愿者在观看完两种不同的长方形横过电脑屏幕后,他们被要求估计哪一个长方形的移动速度更快一些。Each test involved a jazzy rectangle crossing the screen either before or after a plain one. Volunteers had to estimate which of the two was travelling faster.

旅途中他们遇上了轻佻活泼的路易王、催眠蛇卡亚和乐天可爱的大灰熊巴鲁!Along the way he meets jazzy King Louie, the hypnotic snake Kaa and the lovable, happy-go-lucky bear Baloo, who teaches Mowgli "The Bare Necessities" of life and the true meaning of friendship.

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格特弗雷德三重奏作品从新现代爵士乐角度,解读了文艺复兴时期的古典乐、巴洛克风格音乐、20世纪音乐风格以及乐队曾今的原创作品。Gottfried's trio brings a new fresh contemporary Jazzy interpretation to classical music from the renaissance, to Baroque and up to the 20th century as well as original tunes of the trio members.