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你告诉赛勒丝我怀孕了?Did you tell Celeste I was pregnant?

玛丽•赛勒斯特号于1860年在新斯科舍启航。Mary Celeste was launched in Nova Scotia in 1860.

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我们假设你要打电话给在悉尼的Celeste姨妈,但不知道她醒着没?Let's say you need to call Aunt Celeste in Sydney--is she awake?

西莱斯特索要那笔钱用作一座旧农舍的首付款。Celeste asked for the money as a down payment on an old farmhouse.

花75美元你能买到天国一角和一张证书。It's 75 dollars and you get celeste in your map and a certificate.

他们赞扬苏亚雷斯,称其拯救了乌拉圭。They saluted Suarez, whose act of desperation wound up saving the Celeste.

当经典的天青色作为一种标志出现时,头管上的徽章几乎没有存在必要。This head tube badge is hardly necessary as an identifier given the classic celeste paint.

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有人认为这就是玛丽•赛勒斯特号上船员的遗体。It has been alleged that these could have been the remains of the crew of the Mary Celeste.

本文着重阐述了恢复汝官窑天青釉瓷所用原料的性质、生产工艺以及汝官窑天青釉瓷的呈色规律。This article expounded the property of material which used to return celeste glaze in Ru Kuan Ware.

谢谢你,上帝,“我祈祷,”你不仅帮助我向莎丽丝特做出了解释,而且这也是给我的解释。Thank you, God, " I prayed, "for not only helping me to explain to Celeste , but for explaining it to me.

1872年,有人看见“玛莉·克里斯特”号在亚速尔群岛附近航行,但当时船上空无一人——船员已经全部失踪了。The Mary Celeste was found sailing off the Azores in 1872 with no one aboard. The entire crew had vanished.

绯丝在油船上重新找到了刺客的行迹,并将其迫至一隅,最终发现这名刺客居然是莎兰。She regains the assassin's trail to a tanker and is able to corner the assassin, finding that it is Celeste.

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伽利略一生真正心爱的可能是长女,玛莉修女,她过世时年仅33,当是伽利略已70岁。Probably the true love of his life was for the elder daughter, Sister Maria Celeste. She died at thirty-three.

从“玛丽·塞莱斯特号”船员、吉米·霍法、艾米莉·亚艾尔哈特到娜塔莉·霍洛威,有些人似乎消失得无影无踪了。From the crew of the Marie Celeste to Jimmy Hoffa Amelia Earhart and Natalee Holloway some people seem to have vanished without a trace.

塞莱斯特·克尔修姆是一个幻觉艺术家、透视者、教师、并获得佩恩州立大学美术硕士学位的讲师。Celeste Korsholm is a visionary artist, clairvoyant, teacher, and lecturer with a master's degree in fine arts from Penn State University.

霍法、艾米莉。亚艾尔哈特到娜塔莉。霍洛威,有些人似乎消失得无影无踪了。From the crew of the Marie Celeste to Jimmy Hoffa, Amelia Earhart, and Natalee Holloway, some people seem to have vanished without a trace.

吉他手理查德·汤普森把贝斯手戴夫·佩吉和鼓手戴夫·马特克斯一并带来,并仍担任第一张专辑的中演奏角色,同时约翰·卡尔提供了钢琴和金属键琴的演奏。Reprising his role on the first album, guitarist Richard Thompson roped in bassist Dave Pegg and drummer Dave Mattacks, while John Cale provided both piano and celeste.