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差不多是的,我再补充一点。So close. Let me tweak a little bit.

有什么好办法治疗拉肚子?。What tweak treats have loose bowels ?

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你可以添加新的着色器并进行调节。You can add new shaders and tweak them.

有什么好办法对付脸上的痘痘?。What tweak copes with the blain on the face?

不断地重新评价和改变你的方法。Constantly reevaluate and tweak your strategies.

但我们可以改变一下案例。But we could tweak the case.We could revise the case.

那样你就有很多的时间来调整和完善你的机器人。That way you have a lot of time to tweak and improve.

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用推压的方法扭曲路径,选择路径,然后在上面拖动。To tweak a path by pushing, select it and drag over it.

但我们可以用略有不同的方法来打消疑虑。But we can now tweak the worry in a slightly different way.

他会蹑手蹑脚的走向一条熟睡的大王蛇,扭它的尾巴。Creep up to a sleeping mamba , tweak it by the tail. Crikey!

有没有一种方法设置其他连接器的旗帜,这些标志的好办法吗?Is there a way to set Other Linker flags to Theos Logos Tweak?

当然,您也可以修改这种结构,使其更合您的心意。Of course, you can tweak this pattern to your heart's content.

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已经存在哪些服务可供使用或在调整后进行使用?What services already exist that they can use or tweak and use?

您可以通过试错手工消除这些差异。You can tweak these differences by hand through trial and error.

当那个变异的基因复制到白鼠身上时,白鼠们也睡眠时间很短。When that genetic tweak was replicated in mice, they slept less too.

到运行它,打开控制面板和双击捏UI图标。To run it, open the Control Panel and double-click the Tweak UI icon.

为最新新闻,单击提示按钮上主要捏UI屏幕。For late-breaking news, click the Tips button on the main Tweak UI screen.

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他在另一点上没有挤兑奥巴马,就是谈及外界对盖特纳的批评。He did tweak Obama at one point, after bringing up criticisms of Geithner.

“我们只不过扭绞RNA链的一些部位,改变几个原子而已,”里卡多说。“We just tweak the RNA here and there, change a few atoms, ” Ricardo says.

你可以调整字体,改变背景颜色,在应用里直接购买书籍。You can tweak font types, change background colors, and buy books in the app.