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它已经发生了变化,严格说来华尔街已不复存在。It already has changed insofar as Wall Street proper no longer exists.

现在显然地,空无一物存在,就他们所说的存在而言。Now it is obvious that nothing is, if not insofar as it is said that it is.

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即使是人的话,物理学家和工程师也存在很大的区别。Man is at least different from them insofar as he is a physicist and an engineer.

但是她尽可能地把苏格拉底的生活和他的哲学联系在一起。But she does tie the philosophy to the facts of his life, insofar as we know them.

死亡是坏的,因为它剥夺了,你的本可以美好的生命。Death is bad insofar as it deprives you of a chunk of life that would have been good.

按照“证实原则”,一个命题在理论上是否有意义,要看它能否在经验中得到证实。According to the principle, statements are meaningful only insofar as they are verifiable.

至少在目前这种程度下,支配力量往往担忧,崛起势力则倾向于扮演捣乱分子。At least insofar as the dominant powers are concerned, rising states tend to be troublemakers.

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由于国企生产被统一到国家计划中,所以国企不允许破产。Insofar as soe production was integrated into a national plan, they could not be allowed to fail.

尽可能呆在与风险管理,规划和成本有关的领域吧。Insofar as possible, stay with those areas having to do with risk management, planning, and costs.

然而,其他物种对传统看法的冲击,充其量仅限于其作为有用之物时。At best, though, other species impinge on conventional politics only insofar as they are commodities.

从以假乱真的角度而言,最好的小说能让你忘掉它是小说。Insofar as stories are surrogates for real events, the best are those where we forget they are stories.

它是德国一座人们喜爱的城市,调查显示,大多数德国人愿意选择在慕城定居。It is Germany's favorite city, insofar as surveys show a majority of Germans would prefer to live there.

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就目前全球失衡问题而言,最重要的是中国广泛的多边汇率。What matters most insofar as global imbalances are concerned is China’s broad multilateral exchange rate.

因此,就两者都采用同样的合成和滤波方法而言,图5与图4b相同。Thus, Fig. 5 is similar to Fig. 4b insofar as the same recombination and filters have been applied to both.

但是,此条款具有习惯与实务上无上的价值。However, such provisions are of evidentiary value insofar as they bear upon questions of custom and practice.

她觉得那些害羞而不受欢迎的男孩子们日子不好过,所以只要在她能接受的范围之内,她都愿意同情他们。She thought shy or unpopular boys had a hard life, and she took pity on them insofar as was humanly possible.

然而,今天百度显然对她的毅丝公民拖欠着这张期票。It is obvious today that Baidu has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as its users from D8 are concerned.

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睡觉时心智仍在“工作”,不断产生图像,但是图像背后没有意识。The mind is still "functioning" insofar as it's producing images, but there's no conscious sense behind the film.

与此相关的另一主题是,在联邦体制可行的条件下,确保所有选票分量相等。A related theme is ensuring the full equivalency of each vote, insofar as that is possible within a federal system.

然而,今天美国显然对她的有色公民拖欠着这张期票。It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned.