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为一般平面磨床最普及型之电磁盘。It is popular for surface grinder.

在这个时候,世界上的第一台角磨就出现了。This was the world's first angle grinder.

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绝不可使用虎钳夹住手持式研磨机。Never clamp a hand-held grinder in a vise.

拥有普通,超精平面磨床。Have normal, ultra-precision surface grinder.

欢迎您选用我们的平面磨床。Welcome to select for use our surface grinder.

这些工件必须在磨床上精加工。These workpieces must be finished on a grinder.

确保磨床与送料机之间的安全。Between the grinder and feeder to ensure safety.

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搅拌器或者咖啡研磨机都很容易磨碎它。They're easy to grind in a blender or coffee grinder.

石器包括锛、镞、砺石等。Stone implements included adze, arrowhead and grinder.

利用咖啡研磨机把一大片磨碎成粉末。Use a coffee grinder to grind the sheets into a powder.

也许我也能幸运的找到一个便宜的台钻。Maybe I'll get lucky and find a cheap bench grinder , too.

肇事机器涉及一部便携式打磨机。The machine involved in the accident was a portable grinder.

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用锯条切割轮胎断面并磨平断面。Cut and buff tyre sections using a band saw and bench grinder.

小子们,我知道我正把你们送进一个绞肉机里。Boys, i know i'm sending you into the meat grinder on this one.

他打败又一个“磨王”,整场比赛他只来到网前10次。He beat a fellow grinder while only coming to the net 10 times.

一人可操作二至三台无心磨床。One person can operate for two to three sets centerless grinder.

我手边没有演练的指导我的磨床,所以我必须相信我的眼睛。I don't have a drill guide for my grinder so I must trust my eye.

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若砂轮机跳动明显,应及时停机修整。If grinder is jumpy apparent, answer to stop machine nap in time.

介绍铅粉球磨机的调试过程。The adjustment process of lead powder ball grinder was introduced.

工人们打破常规,设计了一台新型磨床。The workers went off the beaten track and designed a newtype grinder.