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小陈是一名在读女研究生。Young Chen is a postgraduate student.

使用“研究生会”代替。Use "postgraduate association"instead.

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超过半数以上拥有研究生学位。More than half had postgraduate degrees.

我是清华大学研究生。I am a postgraduate at Ching-hwa University.

她是芝加哥大学的一名研究生。She is a postgraduate at the University of Chicago.

你身边有人是研究生吗?Q6. Are there some postgraduate students around you?

林智勇正在科大攻读研究课程。Chi Yung is now a HKUST postgraduate in computer science.

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你决定是否要读研了吗?Have you decided if you want become a postgraduate student?

硕士研究生公共外语课是研究生教育体系中的重要课程。English course is an important one in the postgraduate program.

你觉得研究生教学存在什么缺陷?Q5. What do you think are the weaknesses of postgraduate education?

最高额的奖学金颁给了一位物理研究生。The highest scholarship went to a postgraduate majoring in physics.

UCAS也与研究生课程申请联网。UCAS has also linked with all universities for postgraduate courses.

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那么现代大学或者研究生教育是什么样的角色了?So what is the role of modern universities and postgraduate programs?

可以自己做饭的公寓一般留给研究生住。The self-catering flats are usually reserved for postgraduate students.

本院的研究生课程分修课式和研究式两类。We offer postgraduate courses in both course work and research degrees.

如果你是跨专业考生,你为什么会选择此专业作为研究生的方向?Why do you want to take this major as your postgraduate study direction?

戈瓦迪亚在1960年为研究生工作从印度迁往美国。Gowadia moved to the U. S. from India in the 1960s for postgraduate work.

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二是新中国研究生培养模式的变革及其时代特征。Second, the new China postgraduate training pattern reform and times feature.

本片通过一个平凡的爱情故事,描述了主人公孙浩在港大图书馆的点点滴滴。The film depicts a love story, with the postgraduate Sun Hao as the main hero.

我理解你所承受的,把我从一个咿咿呀呀的婴儿培养成一个研究生。I understand what you have suffered, bring me up from a baby to a postgraduate.