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在匈牙利喝酒不要碰杯。Don't clink and drink in Hungary.

罗马尼亚和匈牙利正在接受国际货币基金组织的救助。Romania and Hungary are operating under I.M.F.

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一八四九年匈牙利发生了一场大战。The year 1849 witnessed a great war in Hungary.

匈奴国以现今的匈牙利为中心。The Hun kingdom was centered in modern-day Hungary.

你饿吗?你只不过是在一点一点咬你的食物。Aren't you hungary? You are onl. y nibbling your food.

代表人物是匈牙利的克兰帕尔和约尼尔。Hungary is representative of the Kelanmoer about Neil.

约瑟夫•奥弗格斯于1895年11月10日出生在匈牙利。Jozsef Oveges was born on November 10, 1895, in Hungary.

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匈牙利就是最新一个陷入边缘困境的实例。Hungary is the latest example of an economy on the brink.

他出生在布达佩斯,匈牙利一八七四年。He was born in Budapest, Hungary in eighteen seventy-four.

在男子团体决赛中,匈牙利队的发挥非常出色。In the men's team final, Hungary team to play extremely well.

温家宝总理对匈的历史性访问意义重大。Premier Wen's historic visit to Hungary is highly meaningful.

然而这次在匈牙利的事故却像一件我从来没有见过的事情。But this accident in Hungary is like something I never even saw.

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结果,匈牙利爆发了最痛苦的种族憎恨。As a consequence, the bitterest race hatreds broke out in Hungary.

1874年于匈牙利出生、本名为艾瑞克•怀兹的胡迪尼……举家搬迁。Born as erik weisz in hungary in 1874 houdini moved with his family.

1874年于匈牙利出生、本名为艾瑞克•怀兹的胡迪尼……举家搬迁。Born as er ik weisz in hungary in 1874 houdini moved with his family.

半圆壁龛的马赛克是由爱尔兰、匈牙利和波兰资助的。The mosaics in the apses were donated by Ireland, Hungary and Poland.

奥匈边境等待上阵的匈牙利V43型电力机车。Hungarian V43 EL was standing-by at the border of Austria and Hungary.

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第一部在匈牙利布达佩斯新建的科尔达工作室拍摄的电影。First movie to be filmed in the new Korda Studios in Budapest, Hungary.

费尔南多,自匈牙利站之后,你就开始享受为期三周的夏休期了,假期过得怎么样?Fernando, you have enjoyed a three-week break since Hungary. How was it?

1899年,音乐指挥家尤金匈牙利布达佩斯出生。In 1899, musical conductor Eugene Ormandy was born in Budapest, Hungary.