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我们将支持兴建更多的公共住宅。We'll plunk for more public housing.

请勿摘折花园里的花。Do not plunk the flower in the garden, please.

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我还没有准备好把钱入股以上任何一家公司。I'm not ready to plunk my money into any of these.

请勿摘折花园里的花。PLUCK】Do not plunk the flower in the garden, please.

选民们似乎要投票支持工党候选人。The voters seemed to plunk for the Labour Candidate.

雨点把排气管敲得叮当作响,露台顶棚上砰砰砰砰,响个不停。They plink on the vent pipe and plunk on the patio roof.

看来我努力挣钱来买来的这台机器是值得的。Glad I bought it and I'd plunk down my hard earned money again.

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那么我已经得到,我把鲜活的细胞,投入到纯水中。So I've got, I just take fresh cells and plunk them into pure water solution.

在咖啡厅小坐一个下午,细细品尝着咖啡静静的观看着行走的路人。Plunk yourself down in a café and while away an afternoon, sipping un café and people-watching.

你们必然相信有胶水,砰一声响,它们都感觉到了力。You better believe that there is glue and it goes "plunk" and they feel those forces, both of them.

消费者们在付出自己辛苦挣来的血汗钱之前都想知道自己对于要购买的东西是否满意。Before we plunk down our hard-earned money, we consumers like to know that we'll be happy with our purchases.

四条腿的能量机器人又被称为“扑通”机器人,确实如此,在它拖着脚到处走的时候说的就是这个。The four-legged power droid is called a plunk droid, and sure enough, that's what it says as it shuffles about.

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所以,体现不进入监督的理解高速缓存的根的情况下,你普拉克深居简出的骚动。So, embodied does not go into oversee understanding cache the root every circumstance you plunk reclusive the commotion.

上车时,埃伦总是一声不吭地一头扎进后座,一言不语地坐着,抵达学校后匆匆下车。When the car pulled up, Ellen used to wordlessly plunk herself in the back seat, sit silently, then rush out of the car at the school curb.

在你去看整形医生之前,在你花掉一半薪水在昂贵的抗衰老霜上之前,事实上,在你采取一切行动之前,先涂上防晒霜。Before you see the plastic surgeon, before you plunk down half a paycheck on that pricey anti-aging cream, in fact, before you do anything, put on sunscreen.

是的,各大公司营销人员每年在大众市场广告方面砸下数百万美元来促进销售,但糟糕或只是勉强过得去的客服接触能使公司蒙受损失。Yes, marketers plunk millions of dollars into mass-market advertising each year to generate sales, but a bad or so-so customer service encounter can cost them.

Plunk她从在上海时代广场的广场,但是-这就是她的标签,72个第一家店的变化,会于周六-和事情有点毛发。Plunk her down in Shanghai's Times Square Plaza, however — which is where the first store of her label, Seventy Two Changes, will open on Saturday — and things get a bit hairier.

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过去两个月,围绕底特律三巨头的报道促使汽车购买者不愿意在一台汽车上一掷万金作为长期投资。The publicity around the Detroit Three in the past two months has only made car buyers less likely to plunk down tens of thousands of dollars for a long-term investment in a vehicle.

事实上,如果你仅仅将这个控件放到你的站点页面上,它并不会工作,因为会员服务默认设定为拒绝透露明文密码。In fact, if you were to plunk down this control on a page in your existing site, it wouldn't operate because the Membership service refuses to disclose cleartext passwords by default.