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他们的思想已经从俗气中解放出来。Their minds are free from worldliness.

俗气的疾病如同伤寒。The disease of worldliness is like typhoid.

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谈到钱,有些人可能觉得铜臭味太重。Someone may consider it worldliness to talk about money.

而当一个人摒弃了世界,他就困在了世俗里。And when one renounces the world one is caught in worldliness.

宗教生活和世俗生活之间的划分,本身就是世俗的最核心。The division between the religious life and the world is the very essence of worldliness.

他是师父理想生活在这个世界的表现,并没有受到俗气的污染。He was the embodiment of the Master's ideal of life in the world, unstained by worldliness.

中华儒家的入世精神与济事情怀尤其以儒家忧患思想最为明显。The spirit of worldliness is most prominent particularly with the Confucian Worrying Mentality.

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它已经获得它的世俗,因为我们,为了舍弃它我们必须放弃世俗。It has acquired its worldliness because of us and to leave it we must put away from us worldliness.

受束缚的会陷入俗气里面,忘记了神。他们会错误地想像神。Those in bondage are sunk in worldliness and forgetful of God. Not even by mistake do they think of God.

这使得中国人对于入世和出世具有良好的平衡感。This gave the Chinese people a better sense of balance in regard to this-worldlincss and other- worldliness.

中国在接下来的三十年完全封闭了,但是上海的国际化从未完全消失。China was effectively closed for the next three decades, but Shanghai's worldliness was never fully extinguished.

同样地,人在来到世界之间就应当有神的印记,这样他就不会变得依恋俗气。Similarly, man should be stamped with God before entering the world. Then he will not become attached to worldliness.

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郑大世几番公开说明或者写下他对他的朝鲜队友如何不通世事的苦恼。Jong had spoken and written openly about his irritation at times with the lack of worldliness of his North Korean teammates.

如果相爱让我们平凡,就让我们在红尘中日渐从俗,我愿意,你——呢?If love make us ordinary, let's gradually have the worldliness throughout the mortal life , i'd like to do, so what about you?

可以说,正是那种冲突,那种我们可以称之为世俗理念与纯洁无知之间,的冲突,是马基雅维利道德准则的核心所在。And it is that conflict, as it were, between what we might call worldliness and innocence that is the core of Machiavelli's moral code.

你必须自愿地而且快乐地这么做,而代价就是放弃贪欲和憎恶、世俗和无知、偏见和怨恨。You must pay it voluntarily and happily and the price is the freedom from lust and ill will, worldliness and ignorance, prejudice and hate.

这就是为什么我放不下几乎所有的事,更不用说家庭,朋友,爱,以及得与失,名利与世俗。That's why I can't let almost anything go from myself. Not to mention family, friendship, love, and also gain and loss, fame and worldliness.

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在年轻奉献者的陪同下,纯洁的灵魂仍然没有被俗气所污染,室利罗摩克里希纳也感到十分高兴。But it was in the company of his younger devotees, pure souls yet unstained by the touch of worldliness , that Sri Ramakrishna took greatest joy.

当你追求成就,不管是名声还是所谓的理想或上帝或者不管你称之为什么,那么你依然是世俗的。It is still worldliness when you seek achievement, whether it be fame or the achievement of what one may call the ideal, or God, or what you will.

接着,为了进一步论证该观点,文章又详细论述了基督徒对待友谊与爱情错误的标准,为追求世俗利益而不择手段。Then, for further treating of the point, the paper expatiates on their false standards of friendship and love, and their cunning ways of pursuing worldliness.