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等着看到发生在“奥巴马医改”崩溃后的反乌托邦故事吧。Look for dystopian stories that take place in the aftermath of the collapse of "ObamaCare."

正如这个简要的概括可能提示的,现实主义对这个世界有着一种极力反乌托邦的偏颇看法。As this summary might suggest, realism has a rather dystopian and jaundiced view of the world.

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在漫画,长短篇小说,卡通动画以及电影中,你都可以找到反乌托邦式小说的典型代表。You can find classic examples of dystopian fiction in comics, short stories, novels, cartoons and movies.

在像反面乌托邦式科幻电影“银翼杀手”和“终结者”中,技术引出了的问题多过其解决的问题。In dystopian sci-fi films like "Blade Runner, " and "Terminator, " technology creates more problems than it solves.

科学家和老师生活在一个反乌托邦式的未来开始一段旅程的生存特别年轻的女孩名叫梅兰妮。A A scientist and a teacher living in a dystopian future embark on a journey of survival with a special young girl named Melanie.

游戏背景设在2185年一个反乌托邦的世界,充斥着军阀和匪帮,“质量效应2”是那种玩家乐于去想象的原始太空未开发区。Set in a dystopian year 2185 complete with warlords and gangs, Mass Effect 2 is the wild space frontier that gamers love to imagine.

耐人寻味的是,这些揭示了书的命运的乌托邦小说,多遭受过被列为禁书的命运。Satirically, many utopian and dystopian books which reveal the fate of book in utopia suffered the fate of being listed as banned books.

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令人惊奇不已的是,传送门所想象的反乌托邦未来,也同时昭示着游戏中交互式故事系统的光明未来。Surprisingly enough, the dystopian future that Portal imagines also promises a very bright future for interactive storytelling in games.

然而,在我们只是凭借单纯的提出一个没有理论依据乌邦托式的幻想而操作它之前,施密特也许会被认为仅仅在说笑而已。However, before we start running away with some Gibson-esque dystopian nightmare fantasy, it should also be noted that Schmidt was joking.

很少有视频游戏像生化奇兵一样呈现出这样一个黑暗的反乌托邦视觉,2K的大气“第一人?”Few videogames have presented as dark a dystopian vision as BioShock, 2K's atmospheric first-person shooter set in the failed underwater utopia of Rapture.

虽然进入Reburbia设计比赛决赛的几个选手倾向于超现实主义,仍有几个项目采取了完全反乌托邦的方式。While several of the finalists in our ReBurbia design competition tended towards the surreal, a few futuristic entries took an approach that was downright dystopian.

在这种畸形的未来中,欺骗是一种艺术,有着它自己的记分牌。It was another violation of a great sport's raison d'être, another step on the path to a dystopian future in which chiselling is an art form, with its own scoreboard.

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在英国反乌托邦愿景,发现了“谋杀基因”由政府导致了婴儿的大规模扑杀,才可以长大成为杀手。Set in a dystopian vision of Britain, the discovery of a 'murder gene' by the government leads to a mass culling of infants, before they can grow up to become killers.

有趣的是,这些作品从乌托邦到反乌托邦都有涉及,对于这个世界上最为神圣又最为分裂的城市之一,他们展示了迥异的的画面和感受。Ranging from the utopian to the dystopian the films offer an interesting variety of visions and commentary on the future of one of the world's holiest and most divided cities.

城市——不包括如阿富汗和索马里等所谓“失败国家”——正如实地反映着我们是在建设一个更美好的未来还是步步坠入一个反乌托邦式的噩梦。Cities -- not so-called failed states like Afghanistan and Somalia -- are the true daily test of whether we can build a better future or are heading toward a dystopian nightmare.

女性主义反乌托邦小说中对未来所表现的忧患意识具有警世作用,促使人们不断反思。While traditional feminist utopian fiction presents a vision of an ideal society, feminist dystopian fiction depicts a nightmarish future world and warns people to reexamine themselves.

对于想象中的虚构建筑而言,一切皆有可能,可以是梦幻般闪闪发光的乌托邦,也可以是让你夜半心悸不已的地狱。For the imaginary architecture of fiction, anything goes – whether sparkling dream-like utopias or the sort of gritty dystopian settings that would wake you in the night with a racing heart.

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在大多数城市看似无星的夜空中,在空灵的迷雾的背后,映射出我们对黑暗的恐惧和看似似曾相识的反乌托科幻故事中的情节。In most cities the sky looks as though it has been emptied of stars, leaving behind a vacant haze that mirrors our fear of the dark and resembles the urban glow of dystopian science fiction.

正是芬伯格的技术批判理论使我们看到了打破宿命的、敌托邦的现代性的可能,并且指出了一条通向可选择的现代性的途径。It is Feenberg's Critical Theory of Technology makes us see the possibility of foreordination broken and dystopian modernity, and he also indicated a road leading to an Alternative Modernity.