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为2008七叶树之类经典著作计划是在进行之中的!Planning for the 2008 Buckeye Classic is underway!

俄亥俄州星报说,他们的土拨鼠博基没有看到自己的影子。The Marion Star reported on Buckeye Chuck of Ohio not seeing his shadow.

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七叶树种子是顽拗性种子,对脱水高度敏感。Chinese buckeye seeds are recalcitrance which are of high desiccation-sensitivity.

此鹿在俄亥俄州人的大雄鹿俱乐部创纪录记载中排名第四。In Ohio, thisdeer would rank fourth all time in the Buckeye Big Buck Club records.

俄亥俄州以七叶树命名,叫做“七叶树之州”。七叶树结出的果子与坚果类似。It is named the Buckeye State after a tree that produces nuts similar to chestnuts.

七叶树没有在新英格兰生长,这里也难得听到模仿鸟。The buckeye does not grow in New England, and the mockingbird is rarely heard here.

俄亥俄七叶树之类速度联盟公司从所有俱乐部,状态,联盟,和区域打开它的赛跑到溜冰者。The ohio buckeye speed league, inc. opens its races to skaters from all clubs, states, leagues, and regions.

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俄亥俄州位于美国的中西部地区。它的别名是七叶树州,源于一种树的名字,可以结出类似栗子的坚果。The state of Ohio is in the midwest. It is named the Buckeye State after a tree that produces nuts similar to chestnuts.

俄亥俄州立是在中西部。它被命名为国家的七叶树的树后,产生类似坚果栗子。The state of Ohio is in the midwest. It is named the Buckeye State after a tree that produces nuts similar to chestnuts.

俄亥俄州位于中西部。俄亥俄州以七叶树命名,叫做“七叶树之州”。七叶树结出的果子与坚果类似。The state of Ohio is in the midwest. It is named the Buckeye State after a tree that produces nuts similar to chestnuts.

该工具包是建设一个由联邦调查局和安装只有授权联邦调查局经销商,安装到约1天。The kit is to be built by Buckeye and installed only by authorized Buckeye dealers, with installation taking about 1 day.

它随后购买了七叶树管道和几家其他成熟付税公司以批转。It subsequently purchased Buckeye Pipeline and several other mature, taxpaying companies so that carry-forward could be used.

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1998年,他跟随那些与美国和加拿大全国冠军以及俄亥俄七叶树冠军种马称号胜。In 1998, he followed up those wins with the US and Canadian National titles as well as the Ohio Buckeye Champion Stallion title.

子弹头电动车的前身是VBB2,于去年创下氢气动力汽车的最高纪录——时速达483公里,它配有氢燃料电池,是以氢气为动力的汽车。The previous generation of the Buckeye Bullet, the VBB2, topped 300 miles per hour last year running on hydrogen fuel cells, a record for a hydrogen-powered car.