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四路2输入或门。Quad 2-input OR gate.

只剩一间四人房了。There's only one quad left.

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LVDS四接收机。铅完成金。LVDS quad receiver. Lead finish gold.

四接收机。完成铅厂的选择。Quad receiver. Lead finish factory option.

LVDS四驱动程序。牵头完成热焊蘸。LVDS quad driver. Lead finish hot solder dipped.

四2输入与非门施密特触发器输入。Quad 2-input NAND gate with schmitt trigger inputs.

极高速,低成本,四路运算放大器。Very High-Speed, Low-Cost, Quad Operational Amplifier.

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一台四元组放大器包含四个恒等电路单元。A quad amplifier contains four identical circuit units.

四路2输入或非门。高性能硅栅CMOS。Quad 2-input NOR gate. High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.

四路2输入或门。高性能硅栅CMOS。Quad 2-input OR gate . High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.

中秋节油门将车停在四在中间高度。Mid-throttle will park the quad at an intermediate altitude.

从图书馆横穿过四方院就是物理系。The physics department sits across the quad from the library.

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此代码还会为每个四边形创建一个随机的灰度。This code also creates a random grayscale color for each quad.

或者,你甚至可以在四足和两足模式中各取一半。Or you could even go half way between a quad and a biped model.

第一次见到她时,她正在校园的操场上漫步。When I first saw her, she was walking across the med-school quad.

四通道差分驱动。实习生。术语。没有。浪涌保护是。Quad differential driver. Intern. term. none. Surge-protection yes.

色彩缤纷的手机是由四频手机双卡双待机。Colourful Cell Phone is quad band dual sim card dual stand by phone.

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我其实感到欣慰的是四不处理这个苦差事我。I'm actually thankful that the quad doesn't handle this chore for me.

申雪和越宏博试作的和一个四周抛跳完美无瑕。The first throw quad salchow Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo attempted was flawless.

这是一个极具创新的花式切牌。An innovative and highly creative quad packet cut done with nothing but finesse.