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印度豹跑得非常快。The cheetah runs very fast.

我们是坐印度豹来到这里的吗?L Didn't we come here on a cheetah?

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印花布嵌花编织猎豹打印。Allover intarsia knit cheetah print.

奥卡万戈的猎豹母子,博茨瓦纳,1999。Okavango Cheetah and Cubs, Botswana, 1999

陆地上跑得最快的动物是印度豹。The fastest animal on land is the cheetah.

陆地上跑得最快的动物是印度豹。The world's fastest animal is the cheetah.

小心印度豹!这里是印度豹的天下!Watch out for cheetahs! This is cheetah turf.

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一只成年印度豹在泽西岛动物园的草地上休息。An adult cheetah rests in the grass at a Jersey zoo.

切斯特猎豹嚼着一大块切达干酪。Chester Cheetah chews a chunk of cheep cheddar cheese.

猎豹因为是地球上跑得最快的动物而闻名。The cheetah is well-known as the fastest animal on earth.

大约一万年前,印度豹种群大批死亡。Some 10,000 years ago, cheetah populations were decimated.

此前的世界纪录是由另一头猎豹于2001年创下的6.19秒。The previous record was 6.19, set by another cheetah in 2001.

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母狼为了保护幼崽同猎豹展开了殊死的搏斗。Bitch fought with the cheetah mortal combat to protect the young.

除了动物保护主义者的保护,猎豹仍处于极大的危险之中。Despite the efforts of conservationists, the cheetah is still in peril.

满月勾勒出一头印度豹四处游荡捕猎黑斑羚羊及小猎物的轮廓。Framed beneath a full moon, a cheetah prowls for impala and small game.

在他们使用豹守的时候对他们丢飞刀,但是很可能就是GG了。Throw the dagger if they are using cheetah form, but it is probably GG.

南非于80年代在“幼狮”的基础上开发出了“猎豹”战斗机。And the South Africa developed their Cheetah fighter based on Kfir in 1980s.

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我想我跟你提过,医生养了一头印度豹和一头狒狒。I think that I mentioned to you that the doctor kept a cheetah and a baboon.

那可能会是些很大很强壮的动物,就像印度豹,美洲虎或者狮子。It would be some kind of big strong animal, like a cheetah , jaguar or lion.

然后营救船将猎豹号和在它甲板上的鲨鱼一起拖回港口。The rescue ship then towed Cheetah to the port with the shark still on deck.