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除此之外,麦凯恩的顺口溜也值得商榷。Besides, the McCain dictum is debatable.

是否有利于所有人,有待商榷。It's debatable whether it was good for everybody.

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而诗艺在现代语境中是成问题的。But in the modern culture text, poetry art is debatable.

然而禁止飞行的效果是有争议的。The effectiveness of Deny Flight, however, is debatable.

改革饲否改善撂现状,这问题仍有怔娱。It's debatable or not the reforms have improved conditions.

墨子及禽滑厘的学说并无争议。Theory of Mozi and theory of Qinhuali have nothing debatable.

其病因不明,也无适当的治疗。The aetiology was obscure and the appropriate treatment debatable.

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但请记住,标准应该是可量化和可争议的。But remember that the criteria needs to be measurable and debatable.

无标被动句是否为被动句存在争议。The passive status of unmarked passives has been a debatable matter.

欧安组织与约之间是否存在竞争关系,各有同看法。It is debatable whether there is a competition between the OSCE and NATO.

萨利赫这位了不起的逃生大师能否继续躲过蛇毒仍然不可下定论。Whether the great survivor can continue to dodge their poison is debatable.

在19和20世纪美国著名诗人中,朗费罗与弗罗斯特的影响力是持久而且又有争议的。Longfellow 's and Frost's influence are long and debatable in the 19 and 20 centuries.

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虽然这个世界不可能彻底消灭种族歧视和偏见,一世是我遇到的最没有这两样的人。It is debatable whether descrimination and prejudice can ever be rooted out from this world.

知道你自己患上某种疾病的可能性有多大是否是件好事还是很有争议的。It’s debatable whether knowing your likelihood of developing disease is a good thing or not.

但把增长归结于人民币的升值那就太站不住脚了。But the proportion of that increase ascribable to renminbi appreciation is very much debatable.

有关于他的幽灵步训练法是否只是为了折磨“Vertex之队”的一个新花样众说纷纭。Whether Wallach’s Silent Feet drill was simply a new way to torture “Team Vertex” is debatable.

但是它一定要掂量一下对日本的“胜利”是否让自己获利。But it must be debatable whether its “victory” over Japan has really furthered its own interests.

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这种乐观的看法在一两个月前还说得通,但现在就有点值得商榷了。That optimistic take, however, is more debatable today than it would have been a month or two ago.

有争议的是,松下的这一举措是否会引发日本企业间的合并和结盟热潮。It’s debatable whether Panasonic’s move will trigger a wave of mergers and tie-ups among Japanese firms.

学术界在汉民族有无史诗的问题上一直聚讼纷纭。It is a debatable issue in academic circles whether the Han nationality had epic in its early stage of history.