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来装饰一下餐具柜或门廊。To grace a sideboard or an entrance hall.

在餐具架上有一对花瓶。There are a pair of vases on the sideboard.

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谁常常早上擦抹餐具柜?Who often dust the sideboard in the morning?

你有餐具柜的钥匙吗?A large sideboard with drawers and cupboards.

我从餐具柜里取出一瓶自己收藏的最好的麦芽威士忌。I got a bottle of my best malt out of the sideboard.

卡车的车帮被撞得变了形。The sideboard of the truck has been knocked out of shape.

如果它不在那里,看一看在抽屉里的餐具柜里。If it's not there, have a look in the drawer of the sideboard.

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这张牌可能会在部分比赛的备牌中很有用。I think this card might be good in a metagame deck's sideboard.

放祭衣的圣器收藏室餐具柜,伦巴底700,落叶松木材。Sacristy sideboard for paraments, Lombardy end of 700, larch wood.

除了社交生活之外的所有例行公事,围绕著餐桌与餐具柜的中央打转。In default of anything else social life centered around the table and sideboard.

钢琴很顺利地抬进了门,但是餐具柜怎么也抬不进去。The piano went through the door easily, but the sideboard wouldn't go through at all.

那里有几套,包括沙发、梳妆台、大衣柜和餐具柜等。Here are few sets of furniture, including sofa, dressing tcapable, wardrobe, or sideboard.

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自助餐的食物都非常漂亮地摆在长方形的桌子或者餐具柜上。Fewer waiters are necessary. The food is attractively arranged on a long table or sideboard.

那里有几套,包括沙发、梳妆台、大衣柜和餐具柜等。Here are not few sets of furniture, including sofa, dressing table, wardrobe, and sideboard.

这里有几套,包括沙发、梳妆台、大衣柜和餐具柜等。Here are several sets of furniture, including sofa, dressing table, wardrobe, and sideboard.

整座屋子里我最喜欢的家具就是这个中世纪北欧边桌。My favorite piece of furniture in the whole house is the mid-century Scandinavian sideboard.

那里有几套,包括沙发、梳妆台、大衣柜和餐具柜等。Here are not less sets of furniture, including sofa, dressing tcapable, wardrobe, or sideboard.

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新家具显得非常豪华,赫斯渥亲手布置的餐具柜闪闪发亮。The new furniture made an excellent showing, the sideboard which Hurstwood himself arranged gleamed brightly.

在餐具柜上或在主人身边仔细取下瓶塞,将拔塞钻放在一旁。Remove the cork, carefully, either on the sideboard or by the host, from the bottle and put aside the corkscrew.

备牌里的额外的地看起来没有什么真正的负面影响,而百爪云或是信使这种东西,对取胜好象也没什么帮助。Extra lands in the sideboard wouldn't really hurt either and Qumulox or the Bringers aren't sufficient winning conditions.