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我们的工作叫做“普罗密修斯事业”。And our work shall be called the Promethean.

这是造成活尸与人类疏远的主要原因。It is the chief cause of a Promethean 's estrangement from mortals.

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我真不明白他从哪里得来这种创造热情,创作出了这样的杰作。I wonder from where he got the Promethean fire to produce such a masterpiece.

设计师的独创性在这个空间中体现得令人叫绝。Of stylist Promethean reflect so that make a person cry in this space absolutely.

一般而言,世系最初是由人类所创的,此人被称为造物主。The popular conception of a Promethean being created by a mortal refers to a demiurge.

造物主的作品就被称为先祖,也是该世系的原型。The result of a demiurge's act of creation is a Progenitor, the prototype Promethean of a Lineage.

他们用系统的、独创的方法来解开人类相互吸引的原始秘密。They approach the primeval mystery of human attraction with a systematic and almost Promethean hand.

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金之精炼——人性的精炼告诉了魔偶如何像人类一分子般行走在他们之中。Aurum — The Refinement of Mortality teaches a Promethean how to move among humans as if he were one of them.

网页页面是否受著作权法保护,关键也在于是否具备独创性。Whether does webpage page get copyright law protection, the key also depends on whether be being had Promethean.

没有什么能更好的讲述我们的起源,我们的子孙,我们人类的智力,生命之火神圣的踪迹“Nothing better shows our heavenly origins, our divine seed, our human intellect, those holy traces of Promethean fire."

福特可谓是普罗米修斯这样的人物,将社会精英的革命式的新技术直接反哺给社会大众。Ford was a kind of Promethean figure, taking a revolutionary new technology out of the hands of the élite and giving it directly to the people.

这种普罗米修斯式的植物是如何获得火种控制火焰的?生物学家对其运行机制依然众说纷纭,莫衷一是。The verdict is not yet in, and biologists are still divided on the mechanism by which this Promethean plant managed to acquire and control fire.

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有所作为,就在于抓住时光,努力追寻“最优抉择”,让生命之火顺应时代发光发热。If you want to amount to something, you must seize time by the forelock, lay siege to optimal choice and let promethean fire emit light and heat.

当活尸耗用圣火或使用电流疗伤时,会短暂地现出原貌。Promethean 's disfigurements become briefly visible to mortals when the Promethean spends Pyros points or uses electrical current to heal wounds.

他们意识到了潜藏在普罗米修斯式的沉迷执著之中的核战争自杀情节,并且,相应地,提出了一个更有吸引力的关于人类社会的构想。They perceived the nuclear death-wish that lies at the core of that Promethean obsession and, accordingly, they proposed a more becoming human alternative.

法院认为,根据著作权法相关规定,产品说明书是否可以构成著作权法意义上的“作品”,取决于是否具备独创性。The court thinks, the basis sets related copyright law, whether can product manual form copyright law meaning to go up " work " , be decided by is denied then have Promethean.

纵观中国的视频网站,有盈利模式而没有盈利的最主要原因在于内容的同质性,或者说缺乏内容的独创性。Review video website of China, have profit pattern and depend on the homogeneity of content without the mainest reason of gain, perhaps say those who lack content is Promethean.

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普氏火柴的核心设计是,在微小的玻璃容器内装入硫酸,周围固定好其它所需化学物质,硫酸一旦释放,便能形成火焰。The core of the promethean match was sulfuric acid in a tiny glass container which was surrounded by chemicals and materials calculated to burst into flames when the acid was released.

或许,这就是人类最根本的弱点,它提醒着我们,人类富于创造的心智——这种奇怪的自我意识能力——既是一种幸事,也是一种负担。It is, perhaps, the quintessential human frailty, a reminder that the Promethean talent of the human mind — this strange ability to think about itself — is both a blessing and a burden.

为保证所有游戏的独创性与原创性,各个工作室之间、甚至是在祖龙工作室内部不同游戏策划组之间,也是相对独立的。Be those who assure all game is Promethean with achieve a gender formerly, between each atelier, it is in Zu Long atelier interior differs even between game plan group, also be relatively independent.