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史前时期是父系氏族。Prehistory was strongly patriarchal.

语言史前史不需要扣留我们。The prehistory of languages need not detain us.

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如同在史前,你膜拜的地方就是祭堂。The altar as in prehistory is anywhere you kneel.

从通过苏醒的史前的历史的侧面。Historical profile from prehistory through revival.

要知道答案,你必须尽快返回到史前。To know the answer, you have to go way back into prehistory.

而在漫长的时间长河之中,对于史前文明的研究可谓浩瀚如星海。In the long period , the researches of prehistory are abundant.

这项研究同样为史前鸟类提供了线索。The discovery also offers clues to the early prehistory of birds.

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协调了初期英语的史前语源学。highly attuned to the etymological prehistory of the English word infant.

考古所见我国史前玉人的冠式多为纵梁冠。The most of crown forms wear by the prehistory jade figures in China are rail crown.

不过,这一地点依然开启了一扇窗,让人们能够了解所知甚少的美洲史前状况。Still, the site does open a window into a poorly known period of American prehistory.

玩偶般的人物的精神联系可以追溯到日本的史前史。The spiritual connections with doll-like figures reach well back into Japan’s prehistory.

虽然化石湖床遭到了破坏,但这种化石经济却也帮助改写了史前史。Destructive as it is to the fossil beds, this paleo economy has helped rewrite prehistory.

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彩陶艺术中鸟和鱼的图像也有可能曾被视为氏族的图腾。Bird and fish images in decorative patterns on prehistory pottery can also be seen as totems.

整个历史,甚至可能包括史前史,人们都在慎重地培养孕育着英雄的品质。People have deliberately bred toheroic lines through all of history and probably much of prehistory.

理解这两种看法就是这两种看法重构悲剧史前史的方法,该理解的重要性何在?How important to the understanding of each is the way in which each reconstructs the prehistory of tragic drama?

这种品种的山羊现在只能在老挝才能找到,它也揭示现在存在的山羊赶走了史前存在在的其它品种的山羊。The goat belonged to a breed now found only in Laos, suggesting today's breeds crowded out others popular in prehistory.

电脑问世之后,考古学者开始以模拟实验做为研究人类史前史的方法。With the advent of computers, archaeologists began to experiment with simulation as an aid to exploring human prehistory.

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当然,对艺术家来说,保存永久的艺术形式是一个问题,比如说,史前艺术家以前在山洞的石灰墙上创造作品,但现在不会有人这么做了。Of course permanency has been a problem for artists since the first prehistory artist scratched into a chalk wall in a French cave.

自20世纪20年代北京猿人被发现以来。层出不穷的考古发现使中国的史前史几次提前。Since the discovery of Beijing Man in the 1920s, China's prehistory has been pushed back several times with new archeological finds.

我使用经过上千年证明有用的史前时代的方法,并用现代科学证明其有效性。I take what worked for tens of thousands of years throughout human prehistory and incorporate contemporary science to confirm its veracity.