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小朝廷里充溢阴谋阴谋、倾轧纷争。The court with little tricks, faction disputes.

但是王室派系并没有不战而降。But the royal faction did not give up without a fight.

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现代新墨家是新近出现的一个学术派别。Modern Neo-Mohism is a academic faction arising freshly.

然而,在我自己的公会,我通常在反米派别。However, in my own guild, I'm usually in the anti-meters faction.

祈愿大法会的主持人改由桑浦寺或噶玛派的喇嘛担任。Prayer Dafa will host over by Sang Phu or Karma Lama as a faction.

第五领导人魏晓阳据说被拘留了彭的派系。A fifth leader Wei Xiaoyang was reportedly detained by Peng's faction.

五个家族领袖是选举议会成员。他们拥有选举投票权。Five faction leaders are Elector Counts who may vote in the elections.

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如果您是派别领导人,您可以授予你的领地你的同伴。If you are faction leader, You can grant your fiefs to your companion.

宗族、帮派等非正式组织渐起等。Patriarchal clan, faction and other informal organization emerge, etc.

小派系的一个带头者是一股无法抗拒的力量,名叫法力脱太太。The leader of one faction was an irresistible force named Mrs. Follett.

山东派用毫毛笔作画,以画面纤巧,艳丽取胜。Shandong faction remains with paint pen to the screen slim, beautiful win.

首先是噶玛噶举派之间的矛盾和冲突。The first is the contradiction between the Karma Kagyu faction and conflict.

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道家学派是以先秦老子、庄子关于“道”的学说为中心的学术派别。Taoist school of thought is a learning faction centred on doctrine of Lao Tzu.

转换的同时我的游戏内非战斗宠会怎么办?。What will happen to the character's non-combat pets when I change its faction?

饱经沧桑的过程中,他的派系不但保存下来,甚至还壮大了。His faction survived and even thrived amid the many vicissitudes of his career.

除了庞培,贵族派包括了几乎所有的罗马议员。In addition to Pompey, the Optimates faction included most of the Roman Senate.

穆塔姆巴拉领导的小派别已经决定支持马科尼先生了。And a smaller faction of it, led by ArthurMutambara, has now endorsed Mr Makoni.

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潜行玩家对同阵营的其他玩家可见。Same faction players in stealth are seeable by any other player of that faction.

他是金石派大写意花鸟画名家,擅长书画、篆刻。He is a famous gold stone faction and the greatly enjoyable flower-and-bird artist.

但是,21世纪初,国内却产生了极多“内讧”。However, at the beginning of twenty-first Century, China has produced many "faction".