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他就喜欢在小事儿上操心。It's difficult for him not to niggle.

他的右肩有时感到轻微的疼痛。He gets the occasional niggle in his right shoulder.

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斯内德有点小伤缺席了昨天的训练。Sneijder abandoned yesterday's training session with a niggle.

异常现象令人烦恼,它们在理论上吹毛求疵,让人不适。Anomalies can be annoying, they can niggle and cause discomfort.

就好像你心里埋下了下周电视剧的悬念一样。It will niggle away in the back of your mind like a Lost cliffhanger.

好,这时电脑出现了一两个问题,但是通常来说搞IT的伙计们会解决它。Okay, there's a niggle or two, but generally the IT folks can sort it out.

使这个协议签署我们还有巨大的困难,每一个条款都要费时讨论。We had tremendous difficulty getting the agreement signed Every clause was niggle over.

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古蒂现在正受到胫骨伤势的困扰,他希望他自己能尽快康复,并且在星期天的比赛中帮助球队战胜纽曼西亚。Guti suffers from a niggle on a tibia and hopes to be fit on Sunday to help the team defeat Numancia.

如果你有点年长或行动不方便,那是一条主要的考虑,但对大多数人说较少走。If you are elderly or disabled, that is a major consideration, but for most people it's just a minor niggle.

但它是一个小挑剔,不会将此事信徒谁,毫无疑问,是弯曲的手指说,在期待。But it's a minor niggle that will not matter to devotees who will, no doubt, be flexing said fingers in anticipation.

有时我担心某事要出问题,但通常到了第二天,这件事就不存在了,取而代之的是另外一桩小麻烦。I sometimes worry something might get worse but usually by the next day that has gone and another niggle has appeared.

根据希斯非尔德表示秘鲁射手的左膝有伤,而巴拉圭前锋则是肌肉拉伤。According to Hitzfeld, the Peruvian striker has a niggle on his left knee and the Paraguayan forward has a strained muscle.

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大多数时候,你并不重视办公室的电脑。好,这时电脑出现了一两个问题,但是通常来说搞IT的伙计们会解决它。Most of the time, you take your office computers for granted. Okay, there's a niggle or two, but generally the IT folks can sort it out.