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显示的代码片断将完成这一任务。The code snippet shown will accomplish this task.

上面代码段的最后一行代码将保存会话。The last line of the code snippet saves the session.

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列表7的代码片段将数据装入第一个表。The Listing 7 code snippet pushes data into the first table.

前面已经总结了可视代码片段编辑器的每个特性。We have summarized each feature of the visual snippet editor.

为供参考,下面显示了默认模式的代码片段。For reference, a snippet of the default schema is shown below.

下面的例子是快照监视器输出的一个片段。The example below is a snippet from a snapshot monitor output.

下面的示例代码片段也可以说明这种场景。The example code snippet below can also explain this scenario.

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可以注意到,代表片段中遗漏了编码方法。You'll notice the encoding method is missing from this snippet.

插入代码段时应在项目中添加所需的任何引用。Inserting a snippet should add to the project any references needed.

下面一小段代码是这种帮助文件的典型内容。The following code snippet is a typical content of such a helper file.

以下代码片段显示了会话范围内的服务的接口。The following snippet shows the interface of a session-scoped service.

如果该代码段包含脚本代码,则脚本也被沙箱化。If the snippet contains scripting code, the scripts are also sandboxed.

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您甚至可以使用可视代码片段编辑器来计算要等待的时间。You can even use the visual snippet editor to compute the duration to wait.

我们研究每个代理的代码片段,解释每个片段所做的工作。We examine code snippets for each agent, explaining what each snippet is doing.

该片段根据另一个字段的值计算该字段的高度。This snippet computes the height of a field based on the value of another field.

下面的代码片段将关键字放在了左上角,并在它周围设置了一个框。The snippet below places the key on the top left corner, and sets a box around it.

您可以像以前那样添加一个片段来将调试语句打印到控制台。You can add a snippet as you did before to print some debug statements to the console.

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我希望这段关于艾玛最新改进的明星风格能够在冬天里带给你不一样的感觉。I hope this snippet of Emma's new-and-improved star style helps to lift your winter blues.

三种括号在语义上等价,如下面的代码段所示。All three kind of parentheses are semantically equivalent and are shown in the snippet below.

您还了解到如何使用可视代码片段编辑器向状态机中添加更多详细逻辑。You also saw how to use the visual snippet editor to add more detailed logic to a state machine.