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他擅长用银币变戏法。He is good at conjuring with silver coins.

你可以轻松的制造并且喝水在1个键上靠逻辑点击。You can condense conjuring and drinking onto a single button using click-logic.

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试试使一段愉快的回忆浮现在脑海中然后和你的暴躁吻别吧。Practice the power of conjuring up amusing memories and kiss your temper good-bye.

你念诵古老的天界之语,创造一个银色的符文用来击退你的仇敌。You utter ancient words of Supernal, conjuring a silvery glyph that repels your foes.

列车员叫了起来,然后变戏法一般从衣兜里拿出一只外科医生用的口罩。Gobi!' exclaimed the train attendant before conjuring out of her pocket a surgical mask.

再细品那记忆里的鱼腥味,只觉一缕香香的甜甜的柔情漫过心田。Conjuring up the fishy smell in her memory, she felt a gentle fragrant sweet current flowing in her heart.

小男孩变戏法似的从背后抽出手,高高地举起两根粗粗的蜡烛。The little boy moved his hands forward and held up highly two thick candles, seeming to perform a conjuring trick.

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影片讲述了1977年发生在伦敦的一个真实故事——恩菲德招灵事件。Conjuring 2 is based on the Enfield Poltergeist, which is apparently a true event that took place in London in 1977.

那些任何认为男人是唯一一个会对乘地铁的其他旅客产生耸人听闻的而又形象的幻想的人都受骗了。Anyone who thinks men are only ones conjuring up lurid, graphic fantasies about other passengers on the subway is deluded.

阿尔弗德年轻时学过许多民歌,并能穿插演一些杂技和小魔术使自己的节目多样化。Alfred had learned many of their ballads in his youth and could vary his programme with acrobatic tricks and simple conjuring.

阿尔弗德年轻时学过许多民歌,并能穿插演一些杂技和小魔术使自己的节目多样化。Alfred had learned many of their ballads in his youth, and could vary his programme with acrobatic tricks and simple conjuring.

阿尔弗雷德年轻时学过许多民歌,并能穿插演一些杂技和小魔术使自己的节目多样化。Alfred had learned many of their ballads in his youth, and could vary his programme with acrobatic tricks and single conjuring.

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一个土著男孩在死水潭游泳时,他敷上泥面膜变成像他的祖先一样古老的形象。Conjuring an image as old as his ancestors, an Aboriginal teenager dons a mask of mud while swimming in a billabong, or water hole.

毒品显然是机场安检的最大问题,而罪犯们也善于想出各种奇特的办法来躲过安检。Drugs are obviously the biggest problem for airport security, while criminals are adept at conjuring up inventive ways to go undetected.

罗琳,电影制作人的访谈,以及一个“魔法场面”的短片,这些花絮让人更彻底的看到了一个关键场景是怎样拍摄出来的。K. Rowling and the filmmakers as well as a "Conjuring a Scene" featurette providing an in-depth look at how key scenes in the film were shot.

结合王凯富的魔术特技,使得「松紧地带」不时出现穿透古今时空的舞台景观。The conjuring skills of Wang Kai-fu help to make Flexible Time and Place a stage spectacle that flits back and forth between past and present.

和云南的许多小城一样,建水是一个多民族的聚居地,各种文化的掺杂形成了特有的氛围和格局。Just like many other towns in Yunnan, Jianshui is a multi-ethnic settlement. Different cultures have merged here, conjuring a unique atmosphere.

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作为设计师设计了诸如阿斯顿·马丁DB9和宝马Z8等豪华车型后,亨里克·菲克斯现在成为自己开创的公司菲斯克汽车公司的CEO。After conjuring up such lust-worthy machines as the Aston Martin DB9 and the BMW Z8, the designer is now CEO of his own startup, Fisker Automotive.

为了与今年的主题“维多利亚式蒸汽庞克”相符合,展览会上的模特们都穿上箍裙,带上了假发,手拿雨伞,营造过去的影像。In keeping with this year's theme, “Victorian Steam Punk,” models were costumed in hoop skirts, wigs and umbrellas conjuring up images of the past.

需要我来真切地告诉你们,这个火焰是如何散播它的触角、在黑暗中优美地疾走盘旋、使事物从无到有的吗?Need I, indeed, tell you of the way this flame spreads its feelers, and delicately darts and hovers in the darkness, conjuring things from nothing?