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他像是一团雾,漂移不定,变幻莫测。He is a vaporous and shifting mirage.

他们也知道,他自己也明白事实确实如此。They know that he knows it's vaporous.

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你在空中捕捉的又是哪种臆想中的飞鸟?And what vaporous birds do you hunt in the sky?

他们知道,他所宣称的希望大都是镜中花水中月。They know that most of his hope-mongering is vaporous.

它们可不像我们的日常谈吐和嘘气如云的呼吸。They are not exhalations like our daily colloquies and vaporous breath.

但是让你沉迷于这种“气体鸡尾酒”的是尼古丁。But the thing that gets you hooked on the whole vaporous cocktail is nicotine.

不仅使汽化品质有所提高,而且对易燃、易爆物料更为适宜。The system not onlyimproves the vaporous quality, but also is more suitable to combustible and explosive materials.

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试验结果表明,土质、含水量梯度和含水量水平等因素对气态水迁移有显著影响,密度对气态水迁移的影响可以忽略不计。On the condition of constant temperature, whether vaporous water transfer in unsaturated soil can be ignored remains to be settled.

当土体存在较多自由水时,含水量梯度影响下的气态水迁移量小于液态水迁移量。Conversely, if there is more free water in soil, vaporous water transferring quantity is less than liquid water transferring quantity.

其钠离子的超出部分可能是因为地下水补给源的背景值较高以及硫酸钠蒸发沉积物在地下水径流过程中的溶解。The excess of sodium are probably caused by the high background value of recharging source and the dissolution of vaporous deposition of sodium-sulphate in the aquifer.

还有一些公司也在竭尽全力生产自己的电子香烟,同时,英美烟草、日本烟草国际等国外香烟制造商也加入到这一行业的竞争中。Foreign cigarette makers, such as British American Tobacco and Japan Tobacco International, also have stakes in the industry, while other firms are working on their own vaporous offerings.

如果让大自然自己运行,从现在算起约75.9亿年后,地球将因火红滚沸的太阳的引力而脱离轨道,飞旋并很快蒸发消亡。Skip to next paragraph If nature is left to its own devices, about 7.59 billion years from now Earth will be dragged from its orbit by an engorged red Sun and spiral to a rapid vaporous death.

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针对水的汽化压力高、容易发生气穴的特点,应用气穴模型理论对阻尼小孔中以水作为工作介质时的流动特性进行理论分析。Aiming at the high vaporous pressure and easy cavitation occurrence of water, the cavitation flow in orifices using water as working media is analysed theoretically by applying cavitation model.

依靠“耳朵”这个无孔不入的网络,他定期汇编情报档案,甚至是最捕风捉影的传闻都收录在内,并在各色信息中搜索匹配项。Relying on an extensive network of orejas, or “ears, ” he regularly compiled intelligence dossiers, vacuuming up even the most vaporous rumors and searching for patterns in the chaos of information.