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用事先皮肤白白净净的!With prior skin scrub!

我的名字叫托马斯普赖尔。My name 's thomas prior.

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他妻子去年弃世了。His wife died a year prior.

你好吗?我的名字是托马斯•普赖尔。Hello?My name's Thomas Prior.

这事发生在他到达以前。It happened prior to his arrival.

错误折叠之前的蛋白质状态Protein state prior to misfolding

预判或预先评判“prejudgment" or "prior judgment."

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截止日前的检查权。Inspection Rights Prior to Closing.

早在获颁诺贝尔奖前。Prior to receiving the Nobel Prize.

该报盘以未出售前为准。The offer is subject to prior sale.

优先奖励天津供应商的业务量。Prior to award TJ suppliers' business.

意识上没有先后之分。There's no prior act of consciousness.

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本报盘以货色未售出为条件。The offer isn"t subject to prior sale."

在贵宾到达前对贵宾房进行检查。Inspects all VIP rooms prior to arrival.

实施进入有限空间前,预先回顾许可证。Review entry permit prior to making CSE.

如有任何更改,恕不另行通知。Subject to change without prior notices.

预知是在预定之前。Foreknowledge is prior to predestination.

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在离开前亲自向主人道谢。Thank the host in person prior to leaving.

所以先前的部分得以循环。All right, so the prior parts get recycled.

我非常想去,但是我和别人有约在先。I'd love to, but I have a prior engagement.