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过度的超重或体重过轻。Being substantially overweight or underweight.

我们减持了厄瓜多尔债券。We took an underweight position in Ecuadorian bonds.

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若低于第5个百分点则是偏轻。A teen below the 5th percentile is considered underweight.

这头狮子和两只老虎都严重重量不足,比正常体重低65磅。The lion and two tigers were more than 65 pounds underweight.

但是严重超重和偏瘦的寿命则缩短很多。But being very overweight or being underweight shortened lives.

这个偏瘦的孩子在进行了一段有规律的锻炼后开始长壮了。The underweight child has begun to fill out after regular exercises.

体重指数为30或更高被视为肥胖,而体重低于18.5则被认为是体重过轻。A BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese, and under 18.5 underweight.

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最后,记得一点,过瘦跟过胖一样不好。Finally, remember that being underweight is as bad as being overweight.

具体而言,我们继续相对看好企业债,看空政府债。Within bonds, we overweight credit versus underweight government bonds.

在全世界,与超重和肥胖相关的死亡人数大于体重不足引起的死亡。Overweight and obesity are linked to more deaths worldwide than underweight.

全球体重不足者大约有四分之一居住在印度和孟加拉国。About a fourth of the world's underweight people live in India and Bangladesh.

母亲抑郁与早期儿童体重不足和发育不良相关。Maternal depression was associated with early childhood underweight and stunting.

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遗憾的是,体重不足被正式用作评估指标,监测实现MDG1的进程。Unfortunately, underweight is the indicator officially used to monitor progress towards MDG 1.

在保持我们看跌观点的同时,我们对烟草业仍然是减持的建议。"Keeping our bearish view, we maintain our underweight recommendation for the sector, " OSK added.

里奇的身体质量指数是16.1,甚至比维多利亚还要低,属于体重过轻。With a BMI of 16.1, under even Victoria Beckham’s lowest, the starlet is significantly underweight.

然而,利用世界卫生组织的标准确定的6到12个月婴儿体重不足的发生率则低得多。However, the prevalence of underweight in infants aged 6–12 months was much lower with WHO standards.

在印度,体重不足是一项“国耻”,但是饿死人的事情,并没有发生。Being underweight is a "national shame" in India but starving to death, well, that just does not happen.

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研究人员还研究了不同国家被视为体重不足者的人数。The researchers also studied the number of people who are said to be underweight in different countries.

扎布是西伯利亚虎和孟加拉虎的杂交虎,由于饲养问题具有基因缺陷。卡梅伦重量不足200磅。Zabu, a Siberian-Bengal hybrid, had genetic flaws due to breeding and Cameron was 200 pounds underweight.

好的,有一种可能性是体重过轻,本身会导致一系列的心脏问题Okay, so one possibility is that if somebody is underweight that creates its own set of heart consequences.