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他可能会夺占我们的田地。He might foray our lands.

我就这样展开了在受到大肆宣传的“第二人生”里的短暂旅程。So began my foray into the much- hyped Second Life.

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这是巴菲特第二次大举进攻华尔街。It will be Buffett's second major foray into Wall Street.

洛班先生很少成为公众人物,这并非偶然。Mr Lobban's rare foray into the limelight is not accidental.

这是在一场灵性提升工作坊相遇的一对双生光。The twins meets in a foray of a workshop of spiritual pursuit.

对国泰航空而言,目前进入低成本航空业是不可能的。A foray into the LCC segment is now not likely for Cathay Pacific.

奇瑞的早于预期的对美国市场的进入可能成功也可能失败。Chery's earlier-than-expected foray into he US market may or may not succeed.

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活雕像被设定成地下城的摆饰。The Animated Statue is one foray into that gray region of dungeon decoration.

偶然发生的偶发事件点燃两人之间的,或者团队中的协同的变革。Fortuitous happenstance ignits a foray of synergy between the two or the group.

梦想时间是在一种无限可能的虚空,去变革出一个与内在真我共振的梦想。Dreamtime is a void of infinite possibility to foray for a dream that resonates.

现实点说,这一天在奥巴马六天的欧洲访问中是最轻松的。In practical terms, this was the lightest of the Obamas' six-day European foray.

在1962年中国攻击现在是阿鲁纳恰尔邦,这是印度的耻辱。India was humiliated by China's foray into what is now Arunachal Pradesh in 1962.

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Ckantor的传递基础是散文诗,它是通过人类聚焦在梦想时间,体验变革进而荣曜变革来传递的。Ckantor is a poetic prose based accolade of foray of expressing the focus of dreamtime.

他们俩人晚上会通过光体旅行在梦想时间找到对方进行Tantric变革,可惜的是白天却怎样都无法相见。The two find each other in a tantric foray at night but fail to see one another by day.

但国务院涉足入生物信息收集,是以前未曾披露过的。But the State Department's foray into bio-info collection hasn't previously been disclosed.

奈米电池的开发缘起于贝尔实验室先前进军奈米科技的行动。The genesis of the nanobattery springs from an earlier Bell Labs foray into nanotechnology.

但在我突然造访一个偏远社区问路时,有些路人还是会“向后退一步”。I experienced the “one step back,” however, during a foray to an out-of-the-way neighborhood.

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Mingle代表了ThoughtWorks在面向大众的商业产品开发领域的第一场战役。Mingle represents ThoughtWorks' first foray into commercial product development for the masses.

你的人生对于无因而生且必将完结的地球来说,只是一位不速之客的短暂打扰而已。Your life is a brief foray on Earth that started one day for no reason and will inevitably end.

迪士尼涉足中国英语教学市场正赶上这一市场蓬勃兴旺之际。Disney's foray into English-language instruction in China comes as the niche industry is booming.