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我得去参加一个会议。Igo to a meeting.

我们没有召开会议。We have on meeting.

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他们正在开会。They're at a meeting.

真没想到会见到你!Fancy meeting you here!

会义就这样结束了。Thus ended the meeting.

他约好了开会时间不来。He blew off the meeting.

我真后悔认识了你。I regretted meeting you.

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这是一次邂逅相遇。It was a chancy meeting.

这次会开得生动活泼。It was a lively meeting.

玛丽不参加会议。Mary absents the meeting.

我明天将来诰日和他谋面。I am meeting him tomorrow.

这是一次全体会议。It's an all-hands meeting.

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虚拟会议室?。VMR? Virtual Meeting Room?

他突然闯进来打断了会议。He burst in on the meeting.

我不能避而不见他。I cannot avoid meeting him.

好的,非常高兴见到你,再见。Nice meeting you. Good-bye.

大会因雨而取消。The meeting was rained off.

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他们抵制会议。They boycotted the meeting.

这是两年一次的会议。This is a biennial meeting.

是谁提出举行这次会晤的?Who called for the meeting?