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他在后场抢到篮板球。He rebounded the ball in backcourt.

谁是火箭队目前位置后场的最有价值球员?Who has been the Rockets backcourt MVP so far this season?

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奇才后场强劲而前场羸弱。The Wizards are strong in the backcourt but skimpy up front.

OJ梅奥和麦克柯尼是年轻的,能跑动的首发后场。OJ Mayo and Mike Conley are a young, athletic starting backcourt.

帕戈填补了戈登离开的空缺,加强了公牛的后场深度。Pargo gives the Bulls backcourt depth after they lost leading scorer Ben Gordon to Detroit.

为了让他的球队冷静,波波维奇用第5场的英雄斯蒂芬科尔换下了克莱克斯顿。To calm down his team, Popovich called on Game 5 hero SteveKerr to team up with Claxton in the backcourt.

圣安东尼奥马刺。他们克服了如瘟疫一样容易传染的犯规困扰。SAN ANTONIO — They overcame backcourt foul trouble so widespread it could have been classified as a plague.

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这位球员身穿不同颜色的球服,可以在后场与球队中的任何队员进行替换。This player wears a different colored uniform and can be substituted in backcourt for any player on the team.

星期六,布鲁克斯无情地撕开了美国队的后场防线,并外线投篮得手。On Saturday, Brooks gave Team USA's backcourt problems with relentless penetration and effective outside shooting.

从板凳席上站起来的法玛,在后场给球队再添三把火。The Lakers have a starter coming off the bench in Jordan Farmar, giving them a trio of excellence in the backcourt.

今天通过和鲍比·苏拉、查理·沃德的签约使火箭队的后场人选增加了有丰富经验和技能的选手。We're adding a lot of experience and a lot of know how to our backcourt today in signing Bobby Sura and Charlie Ward.

在季前赛对阵犹他的比赛中,科比和他的新的后场伙伴帕克。Kobe Bryant and his new backcourt partner, William "Smush" Parker during a preseason game against Utah at the Anaheim Pond.

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我担心罗斯会大大地逊色于韦德的后场表现,从而会有种先出手投篮的趋势。I fear that Wade's presence in the backcourt will push Derrick off-the-ball too much and he'll develop shoot-first tendencies.

火箭队签回了替补控球后卫凯尔洛瑞,他和布鲁克斯在上个赛季组成了一个小而快的后场阵容。The Rockets re-signed reserve point guard Kyle Lowry, and he and Brooks formed a small, speedy backcourt at times last season.

詹姆斯时代的这五年来,骑士长期都在寻求着一个稳定的后场阵容。Through the first five years of the LeBron James Era, the Cavaliers were in a perennial search for stability in the backcourt.

“沙沙没有让比赛很好地进行,”禅师说,“所以我让小鱼上场,在后场和他成为平衡的拍档。"Sasha didn't have a really good game going, " Jackson said, "so I put Fisher in as a balanced partner back there in the backcourt with him. "

在2000年悉尼奥运会中,自由人加强了后排防守,增加了队伍的接球次数,延长了双方对打的时间。The libero added an extra dimension to backcourt defense during the Sydney 2000 Games, improving the reception of teams, lengthening the rallies.

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本赛季,布兰德得到了两位后场老兵的有力支持,萨姆-卡塞尔和卡蒂诺-莫布里恰到好处的喂球帮助埃尔顿打出了职业生涯的最佳表现。Brand has been boosted by the veteran backcourt of Sam Cassell and Cuttino Mobley, who wisely have fed him the ball and triggered career-best production.

此外接应二传后排进攻与得分能力的提高也使这一专位的职能发生变化。In addition, the improvement of the backcourt attacking and scoring abilities of assistant second passers also brought changes to this dedicated function.

小鱼的回归加固了后场力量,他稳定的远投扩大了对方的防守区域,也使得进攻更有效率。Derek Fisher Fisher's return has solidified the backcourt and his steady long-range shooting has opened the floor and made the offense run more efficiently.