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它是非社会性情感。It's a nonsocial emotion.

我觉得自己的感情都枯竭了。I feel drained of emotion.

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你需要传达一些情感。You need to convey emotion.

情绪忽高忽低。Emotion swells and subsides.

她的声音因激动而颤抖。Her voice shook with emotion.

他激动得面部抽搐。His face worked with emotion.

她激动得浑身发抖。She was shaking with emotion.

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你得让被压抑的感情发泄出来。Releasee your pent-up emotion.

情绪也是不存在的。There is no diffirent emotion.

你是情感上的冲动?Are you the impulse of emotion?

那是一种我们应该找寻的情绪状态。It is an emotion we should seek.

爱与恨是基本情感。Love and hate are prime emotion.

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从她的歌声里我听出了凄怆的情绪。I hear sad emotion in her singing.

这是一种机会平等的情感。It's an equal-opportunity emotion.

大家都激动得难以成声。Our voice was choked with emotion.

但困惑真的是一种情绪吗?But is confusion really an emotion?

情感代表情绪,行为代表行动。Affect-- emotion. Behavior-- action.

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我们是否还能守住那份单纯的感情?Can we still keep that pure emotion?

她激动得心怦怦直跳。Her heart was thumping with emotion.

但是,不要忘记我们在梦中的情绪。But what about the emotion in dreams?