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祝我好运。Wish me luck.

真希望我能知道。I wish I knew.

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祝君幸运!Wish you luck!

我希望他支持我。I wish he would.

祝您吉祥如意。I wish you luck.

我真希望一死了之。I wish I was dead.

让我们都来许个愿。Let's make a wish.

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是他想死吗?Did he wish to die?

我希望我也是搬迁户。I wish it was mine.

真希望能帮得上忙。I wish I could help.

要是我们有一辆车多好啊。I wish we had a car.

衷心祝福你!I wish you the best!

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这是一种美好的祈愿。This is a good wish.

我想有辆奥迪车。I wish I had an Audi.

我要是一只鸟那多好。I wish I were a bird!

我希望他活得长点。I wish him long life.

我希望痛苦能停止。I wish it would stop.

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祝你幸福。I wish you happiness.

祝您身体健康。Wish you good health.

阿但愿我是一片云。I wish I were a cloud.