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鼠笼式马达“,”Squirrel Cage Motor.

我看到一只鸟在笼子。I saw a bird in a cage.

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它从它的笼子跑出来了。It got out of its cage.

雪貂是圈养动物吗?Are ferrets cage animals?

我就是那只笼中鸟!I'm the bird in the cage.

而我们难道是在牢笼里的困兽?Are we the beast in the cage?

笼内配有淋浴间和洗手间。The cage has a shower and WC.

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你关不住我的,召唤师。You cannot cage me, Summoner.

我感觉像是只被关在笼子里的老虎。I felt like a tiger in a cage.

我觉得尼古拉斯·凯奇很棒。I think Nicolas Cage is great.

鸟把笼子啄坏了。The bird pecked down its cage.

她像一只笼中鸟。She is like a bird in the cage.

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鸟从笼子里飞了。The bird escaped from the cage.

在兽槛的狮子是没有危险的。The lions are safe in the cage.

那些家禽是关在笼子里养的。The poultry are kept in a cage.

他把鸟从笼子里放了出去。He freed the bird from the cage.

只是为了把我关在一个破笼子里?。Just to keep me in a damn cage ?

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柠檬茶在笼里喵叫。LemonTea was crying in the cage.

红雀生而于笼中。The linnet born within the cage.

而且这一次,没有鲨鱼窟。This time, without a shark cage.