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他的死对他的同事们来说是一个巨大的损失。His death was a great privation to his colleagues.

他们除了饥饿、黑暗,贫穷和疾病,一无所有。They have nothing but hunger, dark , privation and illness.

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那是一个暂时匮乏和灾难迫在眉睫的清凉时代。It was a bleak period of present privation and threatening disaster.

而与此同时,朝鲜大部分人民则生活在水深火热之中。Meanwhile, the bulk of his people suffer privation and myriad hardships.

丧失和他人交往的机会是一件很难受的事情。Privation of the company of all other human beings is a serious hardship.

国家所有的财务转变为私人所有称作私有化。The conversion of state-owned property to privately owned property is called privation.

对立和属性发生的运动相对应,缺失和实体的产生相对应。Contrariety corresponds to the motion of attribute, and privation corresponds to entities are generated.

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纵览人类的整个历史,人类经常面对的是物质匮乏和长期的不安全感。Throughout almost the entire span of human history, material privation and chronic insecurity were the norm.

由于对贫困的记忆以及中国社保网络的脆弱,老一辈仍然会存钱。The older generation still saves, with lingering memories of privation and the country’s flimsy social safety net.

我会让无人防守的民主又不会保卫每个人对抗国家要与贫困。I would ask no one to defend a democracy which in turn would not defend every one in the nation against want and privation.

到最后,对阿索卡而言,在经历了千难万险后,什么益处也没得到,除了依恋,爱慕,以及快乐。In the end, to Ahsoka, nothing good came from the privation of an experience, whether it was attachment, love, or pleasure.

在贫困的压力和对努力的需求下,我有时候会忘却那种郁郁的神秘感,它困扰着我,也由此产生诸多臆测。In the stress of privation and the need of effort I might sometimes forget the sombre secret ever baffling the conjecture that it compels.

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他的父亲回答说没有,这时候安琪尔才第一次想到这是她的自尊妨碍了她来要钱,才想到她因为没有钱用而受了苦了。His father returned a negative, and then for the first time it occurred to Angel that her pride had stood in her way, and that she had suffered privation.

虽然这样穷困,但我这副硬骨头始终不屈服,不向有钱的人低头,更不像别人认为女人的出路是找个有钱的丈夫。Destitute as I am, I can bear my privation with great fortitude. I never yield, never bow to the rich, never think that a woman's way out is to marry a wealthy man.

迈克尔的工作使他意识到,穷人们是决不肯和子女分离的,即使赡养子女总使他们沦于贫困和痛苦。Michael's work had taught him that the poor would never have consented to part with their children, even though keeping them would always mean privation and suffering.

同时,计算机网络技术的发展也引起了犯罪心理学研究方法以及犯罪心理预测、预防技术的深刻变革。Meanwhile, the development of the technology brings deep revolution in the field of research method of crime mentality, mental calculation, including privation technology of crime.

在诸多改革思路中,国有化与私有化的主张均存在根本缺陷,坚持并完善农村集体土地所有权制度才是合适的选择。Summarizing the reform ideas, nationalization and privation are not feasibility for many limitations. It is becomingly that persevere in and perfecting the collective ownership of land.

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信息缺乏是现有结构可靠性分析中的一个普遍现象,需要挖掘各种信息资源。Privation of necessary information proves to be a general phenomenon in the analysis of reliability of existing structures, which calls for the exploration of various information resources.

这种暂时的感觉丧失能让一个人将自己放置在一个边界区域中,从中可以更轻松地看到要遵循的途径,以实现“更好的城市”和“更好的生活”。This temporary sensory privation can enable man to place himself in a boundary zone from which it is easier to see the path to follow in order to achieve a "better city" and a "better life".

死谷以当年人们在此遇到的艰难困苦而得名,现在每年有50万游客到死谷去领略那变幻无穷的风景,重新体验当时艰难困苦的滋味。A half million visitors go to Death Valley each year, to look at its magnificently varied scenery and to recapture the flavor of those days of privation and hardship which gave the valley its name.