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一段时间后,阿彤成了他的女朋友。After a period of time, Thu became Duat's girlfriend.

一段时间后,阿彤成了他的女朋友。After a period of time, Thu became Duat’s girlfriend.

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每天,阿彤都骑车把丈夫从出租屋带到工厂。Every day, Thu takes her husband from their hired room to their factories.

中国承包商把什么东西都带到这里,甚至马桶都带来。"Chinese contractors bring everything here, even the toilet seats!" declares Thu.

明皇朝的开国皇帝明太祖朱元璋,是中国历史上唯一的平民皇帝。Thu Yuanzhang was the first emperor and the only plebeian emperor of the Chinese history.

继之而起的朱元璋,建立了新的封建政权―明朝。Followed Yuan Dynasty, Thu Yuanzhang, emperor of Ming Dynasty established the new feudal regime-Ming Dynasty.

旅长漆督上校被广泛认为是在民主克伦佛教军组织及其军事派别最有影响力的人。Chit Thu is widely believed to be the most influential man in both the DKBA administration and its military wing.

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赵铭买了一个帐篷和一个睡袋便搬进了清华宿舍楼顶层的过道里。He bought a camping tent and a sleeping bag and moved to the corridor of a dormitory building's top floor at THU.

赵铭买了一个帐篷和一个睡袋便搬进了清华宿舍楼顶层的过道里。He bought a camping tent and a sleeping bag and moved to the corridor of a dormitory building`s top floor at THU.

自1996年初入清华食堂当厨师时起,他便开始自学英语,并最终通过英语六级考试。He taught himself English when he worked as a cook at a cafeteria in THU in 1996. He passed the CET-6 in the end.

当在我们离开克伦边境自卫武装,我曾经与奇督少将就此争论我们为何离开,我现在和他失去联系。After we left the BGF I argued with Major General Chit Thu about why we were leaving. I've lost contact with him now.

阿彤没有告诉阿照,因为没有新订单,公司裁员,她失业了。Thu hadn’t yet told Duat that she had lost her job because her company didn’t have new orders and was reducing its workforce.

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但是在媒体对赵铭进行报道后,清华大学就不允许赵铭继续在宿舍楼道里搭帐篷过夜了,也不让他把帐篷放在保安室内。But after media reports about him, THU prohibited Zhao from pitching his tent in the dorm and banned it from the security guard room.

阿照在灵忠第一出口加工区工作,而妻子阿彤则在三公里外的平阳工业区工作。Duat works in the Linh Trung 1 Export Processing Zone while Thu is a worker in the Binh Duong Industrial Zone, three kilometers away.

同时他们也发现,相比烟民而言,非吸烟者体内积累了更多的基因突变。But Thu and colleagues also found that the nonsmokers' lung cancers had accumulated more genetic changes than did the smokers' lung cancers.

回望朱光潜先生说理透彻明白晓畅的文论风格,并分析他这种文风的形成原因,对当下的文学批评是县有启发意义的。Looking back on Thu Guangqian's clear and smooth style in his articles and opinions and analyzing its reason can be instructive for current literary criticism.

民主克伦佛教军主力999旅长漆督上校在克伦邦瑞谷谷民主克伦佛教军999特种部队总部举行的仪式面对约10,000人的群众大会说这番话的。Chit Thu made the remark in front of about 10,000 people at the ceremony held in Shwe Koko, the headquarters of the DKBA's special battalion 999, in Karen State.

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即使在选举后,我们将在国会中继续我们自己的运动,因为民主仍然有很长、很长的路要走”党主席督威说。Even after the election, we will continue our own movement in the parliament because there is still a long, long way to democracy, " party chairman Thu Wei said."

龙川江盆地是滇西主要的铀矿赋矿盆地之一,现已探明一批砂岩型铀矿床。Thu Longchuanjiang basin is one of the main uranium-hosting basin in western Yunnan, and a series of sandstone-type uranium deposits have been explored up to now.

旅长漆督上校“我不希望看到我的士兵不断在克伦族内战中越来越继续死亡”。"I am unhappy to see that my Karen soldiers are getting killed during battles between Karen and Karen, " Col Chit Thu said, according to a source who attended the ceremony.