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就连有“铁娘子”之称的撒切尔夫人也曾接受过朗诵课程,使自己的声音不那么尖锐。And "Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher had elocution lessons to make her voice less shrill.

她所有的语言艺术课都是烟雾罢了,从她出生的那天起,她就是个骗子。All her elocution lessons were just a mask. She was a chiseler from the day she was born.

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当时我们每周都会上一个小时的演讲课,上课的是一个体态肥胖的老先生,名字叫做普里斯特利。For one hour a week the class had elocution lessons from an old, portly teacher called Mr Priestley.

戏曲是一门综合艺术,它包括唱、念、做、打。The traditional opera is a comprehensive art that includes singing, gesticulating, elocution and acrobatics.

他的谈话艺术来自小女公爵,而他翩然的走路风格则学自这位西布朗克斯的微笑杰克。His elocution had come from the little duchess, and his dancing swagger from this Smilin’ Jack of the West Bronx.

亚里士多德是紧密结合辩论术的教学实践探讨论证语感。Aristotle contacted the teaching of the elocution practice very closely at the time of investigating the language feeling of argument.

他可不知道内奥米上过语言艺术学校,学会了在自己的庄园里像个小女伯爵一样地说话。He couldn’t have known that Naomi had gone to elocution school and had been taught to speak like a little duchess in her own manor house.

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他的演说术的老师曾与乔治六世国王澄清的讲话,以解开他说话的能力和权力轻松他的臣民。His elocution teacher worked with George VI to clarify the King's speech, to unlock his ability to talk to his subjects with ease and power.

她说话锋利尖锐,好在没有哼哼哈哈的拖腔,或许这应归功于她少女时代所上的演讲课的训练。She has an incisive manner of speaking, happily free from ums and ers, and, perhaps, a tribute to the elocution lessons she took while still a young girl.

她以科学学士的身份毕业,带着上流社会的口音,抱着锲而不舍的决心要进入政界。She was graduated with a bachelor of science degree, an upper-class accent acquired by elocution lessons, and an unflagging determination to enter politics.

当赫本努力在伦敦西区剧院站住脚跟时,菲利克斯爵士同意给赫本上表演课和朗诵课,帮她的事业起步。Sir Felix helped to kick-start Hepburn's career when he agreed to give her acting and elocution lessons as she tried to establish herself in West End theatre productions.