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巫师利用梦来诊断疾病。to diagnose illness.

如何诊断药物过敏?。How do you diagnose drug allergy?

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别…别尝试给我下诊断,维罗纳。Don't try and diagnose me, Verona.

那么你会怎么诊断这个问题呢?How might you diagnose the problem?

中医把脉为何能辨病?。Why the pulse can diagnose diseases?

诀?就是辨识诊断出中风的问题。The trick is how to diagnose a stroke.

隐球菌的诊断比较容易。Cryptococcosis is relatively easy to diagnose.

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在细胞学上很难诊断。They are very difficult to diagnose cytologically.

用Ubuntu激活光盘来斩断电脑硬件问题Diagnose PC Hardware Problems with an Ubuntu Live CD

医生用宫腔镜能诊断和医治什么?What can a doctor diagnose and treat with hysteroscopy?

目的提高上颌窦鳞癌的早期诊断水平。Objective To develop the level of early diagnose of SCMS.

明智的大夫在开方之前先诊断。A wise doctor will diagnose before writing a prescription.

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目的早期诊断汉坦病毒感染。Objective To diagnose the infection of Hantaan virus early.

学习如何使用消息日志诊断系统问题See how the message log is used to diagnose system problems

我们将一一查看如何诊断这些可能性。We will look at how to diagnose each of these possibilities.

医生用了将近6个月才查出我患的是什么病。It took nearly six months to diagnose what was wrong with me.

有时,脾脏被切除以诊断或治疗肿瘤。Sometimes the spleen is removed to diagnose or treat a tumor.

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足病医师负责预防、诊断和治疗足部疾病。PODIATRISTS prevent, diagnose and treat disorders of the feet.

本文报告一例鸭瘟病例的发病和诊断。The paper relates the case of the rising illness and diagnose.

他们的问题会对你的财务状况的检查有所助益。Their questions can help you diagnose your financial situation