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难道没有办法阻止吗?Have no way arrestment?

但都会遭受到阻止。But will suffer the arrestment.

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第三,相应地明确规定逮捕后的羁押期限。Thirdly, to define the term of detaining after arrestment according to be law.

确立逮捕的谦抑原则或者逮捕的必要性原则。Establishment the axiom of seize suppresses or the necessity of arrestment axiom.

另外,破获率对三种类型犯罪发生率则有负的显著影响。Meanwhile, the arrestment rate has a significantly negative influence on the three kinds of crimes.

保留龋损区的矿物质对于预防胶原纤维的降解、促进早期根面龋的再矿化是非常重要的。The retention of mineral is of relevance for lesion arrestment or remineralization of early root caries.

我国批准逮捕率较高,原因在于采用卷宗式的审批逮捕制度。In China, using a file-based system to examine and approve arrestment results in a high rate of arrestment.

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“姐姐!”一直沉默的紫嫣拨高声音阻止道,“你这是做什么?”"Elder sister! "The forever silent purple Yan stirs aloud sound arrestment course, " you is this to do what?"

审批逮捕有谨慎逮捕和对侦查进行监督两方面的作用。There are two functions in examination arrestment , which includes arresting carefully and detecting in supervision.

羁押是拘留、逮捕强制措施的载体,对侦查破案起着重要作用。Custody is the carrier of detention and arrestment coercive measure, which is important to investigate and solve a case.

是杜绝假票,防止黑客以及站车客票管理工作的有力工具。It is a powerful tools to arrestment hacker and prevent fake tickets as well as manage tickets at the station or onboard.

放心吧,飞扬只是想赶到另一座桥阻止敌人炸第二座桥。Stop worrying, float in the sky to just want to arrive to another bridge arrestment the enemy deep-fries the second bridge.

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护士只是淡淡的说道,“医院是大家的,我们没有权利阻止人家住院。”The nurse is to lightly say, "the hospital is everyone of, we don't have right arrestment a somebody else hospitalization."

逮捕是一种并非由司法机关单方意志决定的策略行为。Arrestment is not a strategy merely decided by judicatory organ, but a Nash equilibrium which involves the judicatory organ and suspect.

吊篮设置了三种不同形式的安全制动机构,有效在保证其升降中安全性能。The hanging basket has established three different form safety arrestment organizations, in guarantees in effectively its fluctuation the safety performance.

现行法律对逮捕条件的设置过于抽象,难以把握,易导致逮捕的随意性。The arrestment conditions enacted by the existing law are excessively and illusive, which result in bringing about the arbitrary to the conditions of arrestment.

在国际上,禁止随意逮捕、非经正当的法律程序不得限制公民的人身自由已经成为一种势不可挡的潮流。Internationally, it has been an irresistible tidal current to prohibit the arrestment at will and not to limit citizen's personal freedom after the undue legal process.

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总之,由于逮捕涉及到对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人所享有的宪法赋予的人身自由权利的剥夺,故而其制度的完善与否已经成为一国法制化的衡量标准之一。In conclusion, because arrestment involves in the deprival of freedom that is given by constitution, it has become one of the standards of measuring a country's legalize.

继力拓中国区部分管理层因涉嫌受贿而被捕后,著名跨国公司再爆丑闻。Another scandal in famous Multinational Corporation followed the arrestment of part of the administration and supervision authorities in Rio Tinto China for taking bribes.

本文采用文献资料法,对大学生休闲运动的阻止因素进行了分析,并阐述了休闲运动的内涵。This literary grace uses a cultural heritage data method, to university student recreation sport of the arrestment factor carried on analysis, and elaborated a recreation sport of content.