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骄傲可能会潜藏在穿旧的斗篷下。Pride may lurk under a threadbare cloak.

我的衣服和鞋子一直要穿到破了为止。I use my clothes and shoes until they are threadbare. Really.

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中国作为世界公民的记录俗套得惊人。China’s record as a citizen of the world is strikingly threadbare.

他把篮子和他那件破旧的大衣放到木桌上。He dropped the basket and his threadbare overcoat on the wooden table.

我爸爸站在通道里破旧的地毯上,眨着眼。Standing on the threadbare carpet runner in the hall, my father blinks.

很多人留在中国直到衣衫褴褛,但还是没有任何珠宝可以藏在衣缝里。Many remained until their clothing became threadbare but had no jewels to sew in the seams.

一件衣服都不买,忽略自己应该换掉那些已经撕破、磨损以及沾染上污渍的衣服的事实。Don’t buy any clothes at all, neglecting to replace items that are torn, stain or threadbare.

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我的天使把每一块破烂的布都缝在一起,磨破烂了的洞像结冰的空气。My angel was sewing the ragged pieces of cloth together, threadbare and empty, like binding air.

维拉的阵容如此可怜,即使签入一个伤号都使奥尼尔激动不已。Villa's squad is so threadbare that the merest sign of an injury must send a shiver down O'Neill's spine.

解决了披裂、强力下降、树皮皱、露白等关键技术难点。The pivotal technologic problems such as cleavage, strength decline, tree bark and threadbare were solved.

周六的比赛中虽然人员不少。你不可能真的按着那个不可替换的表格来选人。但这就使得球队没有新异了。Our squad was not lacking on Saturday. You can't really cater for that absentee list. But it was left threadbare.

每年耶诞期间,史都华会找寻穿著破旧大衣和开著破车的人,给他们百元大钞。At Christmas, Stewart would search for people in threadbare coats and old cars and give them hundred-dollar bills.

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第一个麻烦,欧元区非核心国债大额减记,可能会使欧洲核心经济体很多银行残破的资本缓冲暴露出来。Big write-downs of euro-periphery bonds could expose the threadbare capital cushions of many banks in Europe's core economies.

刺骨的寒风直侵骨髓,帕特里克•赖安穿着一件根本无法抵御御寒的破旧大衣,疾步走向位于巴利布拉的酒馆。A threadbare overcoat did little to keep the piercing wind off Patrick Ryan's back as he walked briskly to the pub at Ballyblagh.

一楼门廊是一个巨大的房间,墙上贴着剥落的墙纸,破旧的地毯,煤气灯和一个大蛇形状的蛛网状枝形吊灯和枝形烛台。The Entrance Hall is a large room with peeling wallpaper, threadbare carpet, gas lamps, and a serpent-shaped, cobwebby candleabra.

或者么,你可能会整理一份家织用品的清单来看看哪些是已经旧了需要更新换代的。Or, on a smaller scale, you may want to take inventory of your linens to see if you need to replenish some that have become threadbare.

但是在当今的西方,经过狡猾妇人跟20世纪好莱坞的混合加工,只能做相近的对比了。But the West generally, with its foxy ladies and 20th century Hollywood conglomerates, can offer only relatively threadbare comparisons.

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经过一番痛苦的煎熬,他决定返回美国去耶鲁上大学,而耶鲁也忽视了他一塌糊涂的高中成绩单。After much hand-wringing, he decided to return to the United States to attend Yale, which overlooked his threadbare high school transcript.

尤文图斯对球队前锋的状态感到担忧,因此他们正在考虑召回被租借到帕尔玛的大卫德。兰扎法梅。Juventus are so worried about their threadbare attack that they are thinking about recalling Davide Lanzafame from his loan spell at Parma.

他被捕时,他小心地带上自己以前的流放岁月中保留下来的一顶破皮帽和一件褴褛的羊皮大衣。On his arrest, he had been careful to take with him a threadbare cap and a shabby sheepskin coat that he had saved from his years in exile.