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阿道必须继承业务。Adolphus must inherit the business.

也许是只有男娃才能继承土地。Perhaps only sons may inherit land.

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我可从父母承继哪些优点?What merits I inherit from my parents?

谁就恰当地承受上天的恩宠。They rightly do inherit heaven's graces.

所有的类都从一个通用的基类继承。All classes inherit from a common base class.

我雄心勃勃想继承一些财产。I have the ambition to inherit some property.

它的后代随之就会继承这种特性。Its progeny would then inherit the attribute.

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新的目录同样继承相同的密码。New directories also inherit the same cipher.

我会很高兴继承他的衣钵的。I'd have been very happy to inherit his shoes.

遗嘱要先公证,然后我们才能继承遗产。The will has to be proved before we can inherit.

其他动物会从这个基础继承。Then, other animals will inherit from this base.

而有时则是直接从超类继承这一特性。Sometimes they merely inherit it from a superclass.

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在堂表兄弟姐妹这一辈当中,他是唯一的男孩。Can a first cousin at one remove inherit the property?

佐佐木则夫将带领公司继续全力削减成本。Mr. Sasaki will inherit an all-out push to slash costs.

但谦卑人必承受地土,以丰盛的平安为乐。But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace.

你要勉励他,因为他要使以色列人承受那地为业。Encourage him, because he will lead Israel to inherit it.

更不会承受张北雁给本人办调动!The more won't inherit ZhangBeiYan give I do to mobilize!

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作为一个母亲,我对我的孩子们将要继承的东西感到极度痛苦。As a mother, I agonize over what my children will inherit.

培养一个好的继承人比什么都强。Develop a well inherit a person to compare what all mighty.

祈望和平的人们继承地球的时刻到了!It is indeed Time for the Peace Makers to inherit the Earth!