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代币一枚多少钱?How much is a token?

作为代表你爱的信物?As a token of your love?

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黑色是居丧的象征。Black is a token of mourning.

我每次都应该买辅币吗?Should I buy a token each time?

我该怎么用这个辅币呢?What should I do with the token?

应该如何对令牌进行传播?How should the token be propagated?

这是我的一点小意思。聊表心意。Here's a little token of my affection.

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你能买份不错的定情信物。You can purchase a token of affection.

元数据标记是一个四个字节的数字。A metadata token is a four-byte number.

工会发动了持续一天的象徵性罢工。The union called a one-day token strike.

感谢人送礼物时必说的话。This is a small token of my appreciation.

这点礼物是我们大家的一点心意。This little gift is a token of our regard.

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然后它就会给我代币了吗?And then will the machine give me the token?

他常常盯着一个爱的信物很久。He often stared a love token or a long time.

也不能靠象征性的举动或说教将其平息下去。It cannot be quieted by token moves or talk.

在这条带子上的刀被认为为一个标志。The knife on the belt is considered a token.

我们奉送此书聊表谢意。This book is a small token of our gratitude.

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他送朋友一本书作为临别纪念。He gave his friend a book as a go-away token.

它已取得了决定性的胜利,打倒了令牌环网。It has scored a knockout win over token ring.

数字多媒体传输网络采用双令牌总线结构。Network structure was double token chain bus.