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报告并未提及其他类似事件。The report leaves unmentioned other similar incidents.

被忽略的是广大人民怎么想--这是很容易发现的。Unmentioned is what the population thinks—easily discovered.

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中国媒体并未忽略这些发展。These developments have not gone unmentioned in the Chinese media.

她渴望并幻想着着他强健的臂弯和整个身体。She is longing for his arms and other pieces and parts unmentioned.

忽略有意地忽视或置之不问或不理。To disregard intentionally or allow to pass unnoticed or unmentioned.

在合同正文中未提及的部分可以作为合同的附件附加在后面。What is left unmentioned in contract may be added there as an appendix.

对于通常不为人们注意或提及的努力加以赞扬是特别有益的。Praise is especially rewarding to those whose efforts goes unnoticed and unmentioned.

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在她的笔下,可能洋洋数百页中毫无涉及白人观点的东西。In her world, the perspective of white folk could go unmentioned for hundreds of pages.

未提及的菜单排序的正常秩序,相对于其他未提及的菜单。Unmentioned menus are sorted in their usual order, relative to other unmentioned menus.

这篇文章完全没有提到日本的海军技术。What goes entirely unmentioned in this article the question of Japanese maritime technology.

但他再次笑了一笑,这让我意识到危险过去了——那个故事不会被提起了。But he smiled again, and it seemed to me that the danger had passed—the story would go unmentioned.

赞美更值得赋予在一些往往不被人们注意或提及的努力上。It's especially rewarding to give praise in areas in which effort generally goes unnoticed or unmentioned.

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毫不奇怪,Loiacono没有提到Flick,而Flick表示将在10月份使用Picnik公司的在线图片编辑工具。Unsurprisingly, Loiacono left unmentioned Flickr, which said in October it will use Picnik's online photo-editing tools.

本合同未尽事项由双方本着实事求是的原则协商解决。Unmentioned matters shall be addressed by both Parties through consultation with each other on the principle of seeking truth from facts.

在七国集团本周伊斯坦布尔会议结束后发表的公报中,美元竟然未被提及。The dollar was left notably unmentioned in the communique issued by the Group of Seven finance ministers this week after meeting in Istanbul.

我应该只批评美国的,而不用去管中国对那些无罪的政治犯所作的肉体摧残。I clearly should have only criticized America and left China's physical torture of political prisoners who have committed no crime unmentioned.

当你们祈求胜利时,也同时祈求许多虽未提起但会随著胜利而来后果,这些一定会出现,也无法避免掉。When you have prayed for victory you have prayed for many unmentioned results which follow victory – must follow it, cannot help but follow it.

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这些新建筑部分已经引起了不小的争议,尤其是库哈斯的那个,当然,这些在展厅里不会被提到。Some of these new buildings have stirred their share of controversy, unmentioned in the Exhibition Hall — Mr. Koolhaas’s building in particular.

第六条商务部按期颁布具有外派海员类对外劳务合作经营资格的企业名单。Article 8. For unmentioned matters in the regulations, Administrative Measures on Operation Qualifications of Foreign Cooperation of Labor Service should be followed to implement.