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国内牙科最好的是哪个医院?Which hospital is is domestic dentistry best?

你好,多丽丝,我是帕克牙科医院的迈克。Hi, Doris, this is Mike calling from Parker's Dentistry.

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医疗器械产品设计用于医疗场所的牙科椅托盘。New dentistry chair tray which is used in the medical place.

皮埃尔?费查被认为是现代牙科医学之父。Pierre fauchard is considered the father of modern dentistry.

牙科中有关牙髓疾病的分支。The branch of dentistry dealing with diseases of the dental pulp.

他们声称政府正通过不正当的手段将牙医业私有化。They claim the Government is privatising dentistry through the back door.

该方法可用于下颌运动过程的记录。The methods can be used in dentistry for record the movements of mandible.

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牙医声称政府正通过暗箱操作将牙医业私有化。Dentists claim the Government is privatising dentistry through the back door.

有牙科医学知识的人来回答下!The person that has dentistry medicine knowledge answers back and forth below!

再就是牙科手术不当留下的后遗症。Is a dentistry surgical operation again not appropriate leave of linger effect.

该项研究由伦敦大学国王学院牙科学和医学院资助。The study was financed by King’s College London School of Medicine and Dentistry.

金典牙科,牙科中的金牌!牙科中的典范!牙科中的经典!JinDian Dental, Dental in the gold medal! Dentistry in the model! Dentistry classic!

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那时候,牙科学刚起步,拔牙都不打麻药。In those days, dentistry was basic. Extractions were carried out without anaesthetic.

目的研究铒激光在最小干预牙科技术中的应用。Objective To study the application of erbium laser in minimal intervention dentistry.

一种无色的、有甜味的气体,N2O,在牙病治疗和手术中用作一种柔和的麻醉剂。A colorless, sweet-tasting gas, N2O, used as a mild anesthetic in dentistry and surgery.

艾玛是来自唐卡斯特的一名牙科学生,她在回家后才发现了这张诡异的照片。Dentistry student Emma, of Doncaster, only spotted the ghoulish face when she arrived home.

目的对口腔科的病毒交叉感染情况进行初步研究。Objective To research the viral cross-transmission of a DNA virus and a RNA virus in dentistry.

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从整体来看,牙医界自以为二等公民,但实际上,牙科医生也有创造精神。Dentistry as a whole feels it's a second-class citizen, but in fact, a dentist is creative, too.

小明的爸爸牙齿很健康但他天天往牙科医院里跑为什么啊?Is father tooth of Xiaoming very healthy but does he run in past dentistry hospital every day why ah?

只要获得其中一个学位,牙医就有资格从事于牙医业的普通全科。Armed with either degree, a dentist can become certified to engage in the general practice of dentistry.