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受到惊吓的布雷顿摔倒在地板上,死了。Frightened, Brayton fell to the floor, dead.

Brayton很快由于家庭原因离开了竞选运动。Brayton left the campaign soon after for family reasons.

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卡博特之路的中心点是布雷顿角高地国家公园。Cabot Trail is the center of Brayton Point Highlands National Park.

建立了一种不可逆谐振子系统布雷顿热机循环模型。A cycle model of an irreversible Brayton heat engine working with harmonic systems is established in this paper.

所得结论可对量子简并条件下工作的布雷顿热机的设计提供理论依据。The results obtained here may provide theoretical basis for the design of a Brayton cycle working under quantum degeneracy conditions.

热的氦气从这出来,进入,直接循环,直接的Brayton循环,或者一个间接的,循环,那也是用来制造蒸汽的。The hot helium comes out here and goes either to a direct cycle, a direct Brayton cycle or an indirect cycle which can be also used to make steam.

以逆布雷顿回冷循环为实验流程,对实验工况下的空气制冷机非稳态降温特性进行了实验研究。A small air refrigerator based on reverse Brayton cycle is developed and the dynamic temperature decrease performance of the air fefrigerator is tested.

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基于统计力学的性质推导出了顺磁系统的热力学关系,并构建了以满足居里定律的顺磁材料为工作物质的一般磁布雷顿制冷循环模型。Using the paramagnetic salt restricted to the Curie law as the working substance, a general model of magnetic Brayton refrigeration cycle is established.

转子活塞发动机用的是四冲程循环,但是它们和四冲程活塞发动机有很大不同。Gas turbine engines use the Brayton cycle. Wankel rotary engines use the Otto cycle, but they do it in a very different way than four-stroke piston engines.

然后我们会特别的讨论2种能量,转化系统,一个是蒸气循环,我们称为兰金,另外一个是布雷登循环,那是气体循环。Then we'll discuss specifically two types of power conversion systems. One is the steam cycle which we call Rankine and the other is the Brayton cycle which is the gas cycle.

本文构建了一个由布雷顿循环与斯特林循环组成的新型联合循环,用有限时间热力学的方法分析具有热阻、热漏的布雷顿与斯特林联合循环性能。A combined Brayton and Stirling cycles with heat resistance and heat leakage is created, the performance of the combined Brayton and Stirling cycles is analyzed by using finite-time thermodynamics.

导出了在牛顿传热律下联合循环无因次功率、效率的解析式,并通过数值算例得到它们之间的关系。The analytical formulae about dimensionless power output, efficiency of the combined Brayton and Stirling cycles are derived. And the relations among them are studied by detailed numerical examples.

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应用有限时间热力学方法,首次研究了变温热源条件下内可逆闭式中冷回热布雷顿循环的性能,导出了无因次功率及效率的解析式。Finite time thermodynamics is applied to analyze the performance of an endoreversible closed intercooling regenerated Brayton cycle coupled to variable temperature heat reservoirs for the first time.